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The following morning Jungkook hit the gym.He worked out till nine.Afterwards he took a shower at the gym.Pecks of the membership card.When he was on his way back to the apartment he received a call from Jimin.That was quite unusual.The omega was his husband's best friend but they never had anything to talk about in private.

"Hello hyung"

"Hey baby"

"Taehyung..why do you have Jimin hyung's phone?"

"I borrowed it since someone blocked me"

"Shame.What's up?"

"I want to see you"

"That's music to my ears"

"Can I pick you up at five"

"Where are you taking me?"

"The amusement park and then dinner if you don't mind"

"I'm down"

"Great.I will be waiting for you in the parking lot.Don't keep me waiting"



There was a smirk on Jungkook's face as soon as his husband ended the call.

"Amusement park?How brave of you Kim Taehyung"

Jungkook was no stranger to the fact that his husband was afraid of heights.Unknowningly Taehyung had given the younger the platform to exploit that weakness.What better way to get back at the almighty Kim.

There was a lot of time before five.Jungkook had the chance to do his laundry and vacuum clean the penthouse.He could also nap for as long as he needed to .

Somehow waiting for those few hours felt like an eternity.He did every chore he had planned to and even more but time wasn't passing fast enough for him.He watched TV and even touched on his sketches but nothing changed.Not knowing what else to do made him frustrated.Nothing could get him distracted at this point.

If he hadn't tried it then he would have never known that music calms his nerves.Time went by before he realized it.He almost went downstairs five minutes late.

He found a pissed Taehyung leaning against his range rover.He was checking the time on his wristwatch.

"I'm sorry I'm late.I got a little carried away"

"I was about to come and get you"

"I really didn't mean to make you mad"Jungkook walked into his husband's embrace.Taehyung then placed his hand around the omega's fine waist.Something never really change.Jungkook still felt the goosebumps he felt the very first time Taehyung touched him.

"You look great"Taehyung looked the younger up and down.He was clad in a pair of tight fitting blue jeans that hugged his curves perfectly.His white dress shirt was tucked into his jeans to enhance his figure.The scene had the alpha salivating.

"Do i?"

"I have one problem though"


"I really don't appreciate you displaying something that is meant for my eyes only"

Jungkook was taken aback.Taehyung had never had a problem with him leaving three buttons of his shirt open before .

"Its just my chest.It's not like my man boobs or nipples are on display"

Without a word Taehyung buttoned up two of the buttons leaving Jungkook dumbfounded.

That aside the two were wearing matching jeans as if they had planned.Taehyung's were a bit baggy as he preferred them.He had worn them with a pair of a white tee that was tucked inside his jeans.They were really serving couple goals without realizing it.

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