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After the board meeting Taehyung stayed in his seat as everyone left.Seokjin also stayed back because he just wanted to chat with the alpha.The two weren't expecting Hoseok to stay back.Hoseok was the head of the legal team of the group.He was was also Mr Kim's last lawyer.

Hoseok had immediately become friends with Taehyung because of his bubbly and sun shine like nature.They were both social people so they easily got along.Seokjin was a director and was the one who helped Taehyung navigate his way through being a new of a group.It was quite different from when he was the CEO of his father in law's law firm.He dealt with fellow lawyers and they understood each other.

Seokjin also happened to be married to Taehyung's tech friend Namjoon.Though all of Taehyung's friends were married he was the one who had been married the longest despite being the youngest.His friends married in their thirties.

Seokjin and Namjoon have twins.A son and a daughter aged eight.Hoseok had a daughter named Hope.She was just five.In their friendship circle only Taehyung didn't have a child yet.

"What's up Taehyung.You were so quite.I could see that you weren't paying much attention"

"No i was just...Forget it"

"The meeting went well without hiccups so what's up?"Hoseok asked

"You know you can share with us.We are your friends"Jin probed.

"So Jungkook hasn't been coming back home in a week"Taehyung started

"What?Did he travel?"Jin asked

"He never told me anything about traveling.I'm really worried.If anything happens to him i won't forgive myself"the youngest said

"Did you fight with him?"the oldest asked

"No..I..never fight with him"

"Maybe he got upset with something but he didn't voice it out"

"What was the last conversation you had.Was it intense?"Hoseok asked

"I brought up about the topic of trying for a baby again.Maybe that's what upset him.I didn't know he was still sensitive about the miscarriage"

"Taehyung what matters is to know that he is safe"Jin said

"How do i do that.I can't get through to him?"

"Don't you know any friend of his or you can call at his office?"Jin asked

"I don't have any of his friend's number or his office land line"Taehyung said

"So you have to go to his building and check on him"

"His best friend is Jimin's maternal cousin.I will call Jimin up"

"What's his best friend's name ?"

"Eunwoo"Taehyung replied

"The one who is getting married"

"That's right"

"Go and relax Taehyung.You look like you can pass out any time.I will call Jimin and ask him to call up his cousin and ask him"Jin said

"Thanks hyung.I will be in my office"

"Better get going"

Taehyung and Jimin had come far.They became friends in middle school.Through high school they were inseparable.It was Taehyung who influenced his friend to go to law school with him after they graduated from high school.Jimin was easily convinced.

Unfortunately Jimin got knocked up on their graduation party.Taehyung wasn't surprised.His friend had been wild the whole night.The man was a stranger but he was willing to help Jimin have an abortion if that was what he wanted. But the omega didn't want that.He kept the baby even though his parents were constantly berating him for being reckless.The father of his child was present and always supported him.Jimin wasn't getting any financially help from his family and he wasn't working yet.

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