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Everyone knows the story of our world's creation.

Five Gods chose to build a world in their own image and likeness. A magical world, in which all their powers would be spread and used by their creations.

Each one placed their faith and power in their chosen ones. That is how the signs were created, the signs that would shape the power of the forthcoming Kingdoms they would represent.

Each of the Gods chose a person from this world to keep their power safe. The Kings and Queens accepted the honour of being called upon by the Gods and vowed to protect the sign and pass it on to their offspring, to keep its power alive.

The God Fiono, God of Fire, searched for a young man who could connect with fire long before he gave him the sign. It was a chosen one, someone special, who would produce an offspring that would access his very power. The power to become fire. His chosen one was Ferdinad, a small, slender young man who overnight, managed to reach his phoenix form. A special power, only destined for the heirs of the God. Ferdinad swore that no one his own fire form didn't trust would ever approach the sign. That was the creation of the First Element.

 Goddess Aqua, Goddess of Water, chose a young mermaid

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Goddess Aqua, Goddess of Water, chose a young mermaid. She was destined to create a palace under the sea, to care for every species that could swim and to preserve the purity of the water. Queen Adriana swore that she would never let anyone who was not pure of heart come near her sign, so she was to protect it with all the ferocity of the seas. She created the Second Element.

Goddess Terra, Goddess of Earth, knew that she would choose one of her special beings, one of her own creations, one of the fairies

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Goddess Terra, Goddess of Earth, knew that she would choose one of her special beings, one of her own creations, one of the fairies. She did not want her to be the strongest, nor the sturdiest, nor the sheerest. She chose the one who would treat the other earthly creations she loved so much the best. The fairy Tulip was perfect. She swore forever to keep the sign safe from those who did not have magic running through their veins or care for her equals as much as her. Only someone purely magical and kind could reach it. With that magic, the Third Element was created.

The God Ventus, God of Air, sought a strong and willing man

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The God Ventus, God of Air, sought a strong and willing man. He wanted someone who could prove that he would not let anyone survive if they even tried to guess what the sign was. He chose young Ectomos, who in addition to fulfilling his wishes, asked for a specific favour in return. He wanted wings, big feather wings to fly the skies and show himself to be a special human, a superior kind of being to those without them. Ectomos vowed to guard the sign and not let anyone who was not as powerful and authoritative as him get to it. He passed it on to his son like the rest of the Kings and Queens, but Ventus was not happy with that decision. Ectomos' son was not what he expected, so he chose himself who would be the successor.. He chose the bearer of the Fourth Element himself over and over again.

 He chose the bearer of the Fourth Element himself over and over again

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The Fifth God changed the rules.

He did not want to choose only one person to protect his power. He was the beginning and the end, light and darkness, he was Life and Death. He was the Fifth Element.

His power was unattainable, too strong to be given to a single being, that is why he chose two brothers

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His power was unattainable, too strong to be given to a single being, that is why he chose two brothers. 

Crey and Benedict, the chosen ones of the most powerful God, were siblings, destined to love and protect each other. 

But the lust for power affected them both in unthinkable ways. 

The Fifth God was completely hurt to see how his chosen ones betrayed him by arming themselves against each other. He let them destroy their lives, their Kingdoms, everything they loved, because he could not forgive them.

They let him down.

The story goes that the brothers wanted different things, one of them wanted all the power of the sign to then conquer the others and the other opposed.

That enmity lived on thousands of years later, drawn into a never-ending war, all because of those brothers.

But there is another story, a story that not everyone knows.

A story that speaks of revenge.

What if things were not as everyone believed? What if the war did not begin out of enmity but out of betrayal? What if the good brother was not so good and the bad brother not so bad?

What does the truth of the Fifth God hide?

Truth, sweet truth, only someone has it, and that being is unreachable, hidden, silenced, lost among the wounds of a constant war.

If only he could be reached...

If only the truth could be reached, could the war be ended once and for all? 

Kingdom of Life and Death (The Fifth Element Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now