Chapter 23: Nightmares [part 1]

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I was on my horse Lightning, whom I hadn't seen in so long. Beside me, Caelus on Thunder, giving me reassurance. Phoenix paced in front of a squad of men, the dragons flying overhead.

No, this couldn't be happening.

This couldn't be real.

This is not how it's going to happen.

I could feel him in the tower, I could feel his energy vibrating above my head, calling out to me, asking me to come closer, and I... I just wanted to destroy him.

I opened my eyes in an instant, my hand going to my chest, trying to catch the breath I'd lost.

'Are you okay?' He asked me beside me, because that's where he belonged.

I snuggled against his chest, the warmth of his skin reminding me that everything that had happened had been real, that we were real.

'It was just a dream,' I reassured him that it hadn't been a nightmare, that I hadn't let Jonah into my head.

'I know, I was there. You dream a lot about being in front of the whole army, but it's not going to happen.'

'That's the weird thing, why do I keep dreaming that?'

'Maybe it's the way you handle the idea that we're going to war,' his hand found mine and he held it tight.

'I would want this moment to last forever, to be here with you for eternity.'

'No one will take this moment away from us, it will always be in our hearts.'

I couldn't believe the pirate leader could be so sweet.

'I can be if I want to be,' he replied to my thoughts.

'Hey, that's not fair, I still don't know how to read you.'

'It's easy, just think you can do it and do it.'

'It can't be that easy.'

'Try,' he said and I could feel his smile in the darkness of our room.

So, I just let the intention fly to him.

Caelus is the best in every way.

'You can't be thinking that,' I said between smiles.

'You did it then? Was I lying?'

'Think something else, come on,' I insisted, forgetting for a minute where and when we were.

I never thought I would find love, I thought I wouldn't be able to love anyone. And I'm thankful I was wrong. I love you Gaia.

Without saying anything to him, I searched for his lips in the dark and kissed him.

I was proud to love him. It was love that deserved to be felt.

We stayed wrapped in each other's arms, breathing together, enjoying being so close.

As the sun began to peek out, we both knew it was time to let go, even if we didn't want to, even if we couldn't even think about it.

A knock on the door was the necessary incentive.

'Caelus! Wake up already you bloody loafer, there's a war to be fought!'

I recognised Rayn's voice quickly and it brought a smile to my face, until I remembered where I was and what was happening. I got dressed as quickly as I could, ignoring that he kept banging on the door.

'Caelus, come on! We're all waiting! If only I had your key, oh wait...'

It only took him a second to open the door to find Caelus buttoning his trousers, still shirtless, and me trying to cover myself with the dress of the thousands of buttons.

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