Chapter 6 "Heart of Fire" [part 2]

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I didn't have time to prepare, or even think about this.

I was risking so much, my whole life for this.

And the worst part was that I wasn't sure his phoenix form could trust me.

Yes, I knew my desire was purely to gather the signs together to bring peace to the Kingdoms.

But I also couldn't deny that deep inside me the shadows were asking for that power for themselves.

That frightened me.

I only hoped that my will was stronger than the will of the shadows.

I had to control myself if I was going to have that much power in my hands.

Just by touching his arm, Phoenix's body began to change.

A bright light peeked from his chest and spread up his neck to his face, which was filled with orange light, and Phoenix disappeared completely.

The firebird's features began to peek out and I couldn't help but take a step back.

Although the change was impressive, it was still terrifying.

With the sign in my hand, I watched as the phoenix unfolded in front of me with a disturbing serenity.

There it was, in all its glory, with its wings of fire, but with its gaze still intact.

The green eyes were the same.

But I could not speak to Phoenix, I had to speak to his other form.

Even if my entire body was trembling at that presence, I had to try and pray it didn't see the shadows that lurked behind my heart.

'Hello phoenix, this is the first time we have formally met.... I know the times we met were not pleasant. I really must thank you for saving me. I have to talk to Fiono, but only you can let me see him. I ask for your trust, I ask you to give me the chance. I want to save this world as much as your human form and for that alone I ask this favour. If you trust me, I swear you will not regret it.'

The bird watched me silently, its large feet remaining in the same place in my room.

I didn't know they were two different personalities, but I knew what it felt. It was like my shadows, the ones that lived in silence until they weren't.

'Please,' I insisted.

The phoenix began to flutter. I thought its wings would shoot flames in every direction. What was I supposed to do?

'You must trust me.'

It kept flapping, so much so that it made me fall backwards.

With my back on the ground, I could only see it hovering above me.

Its beak came close to my face, the heat of its wings threatening close to my skin.

His eyes were still watching me, so I decided to do the same.

I didn't take my eyes from his, even if I was scared, even if I thought it was about to kill me.

Its light flared even brighter, but I wouldn't stop looking at him.

'Take me to him,' I whispered.

And then it was all heat.

I had to close my eyes and didn't dare open them until I felt the light had gone out.

But what I saw when I opened them was utterly startling.

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