Mads is gone? 🤭

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I turned around to someone I've never seen before.

Josh: who are you?
???: names Christian. I was Mads neighbor.
Josh: was?
Christian: she moved out earlier.
Josh: do you know where she went?
Christian: nope, she didn't say where but I do have something.

He went back into his apartment and he grabbed a box and gave it to me.

Josh: what is this?
Christian: she said this was her exes stuff I don't know if that's you or whoever but she gave it to me to give it to whoever shows up.
Josh: I'm not her ex, but did she hint anything about where she was going?
Christian: no sorry can't help you. She didn't want anyone to go after her.
Josh: well thanks for letting me know.
Christian: you're welcome.

He went back into his apartment and I walked downstairs and went outside. I put the box in the passenger seat and got in the front seat. Maybe Riley or Indi knows where Mads is.

Griffin: what do mean she's gone?
Josh: she moved out of her apartment earlier today.
Griffin: but where did she go?
Josh: no one knows. I'm going to Riley and Indi's apartment to see if they have any information.
Griffin: what's in the box?
Josh: just Jaden's stuff that Mads wants to give back to him.
Bryce: hey guys, I'm trying to contact Mads but she's not answering. Have any of you got ahold of her?
Griffin: no she's ignoring everyone. Plus she's gone.
Bryce: what do you mean she's gone?
Griffin: she gave up her apartment.
Josh: I'm going to Indi, and her sisters place. Give this to Jaden when you see him.
Bryce: what is it?
Josh: his stuff that was at her apartment.

Bryce: wait- you're going to her sisters place?
Griffin: it's not going to go well because they hate him.
Bryce: to be honest.
Josh: they do not hate me.
Bryce: wanna test that theory?
Josh: bye!

I walked out and went to my car.

*Bryce's Pov*

Jaden: hey?
Bryce: hey, I have something for you. Can I come in?
Jaden: yeah.

He opened the door all the way.

I walked in and put the box on the ground.

Nessa: oh hey Bryce what's up?
Bryce: just here to drop some stuff off.
Nessa: oh.
Jaden: what is it?
Bryce: some stuff you left at Mads old apartment.
Jaden: old? What did she move or something?
Bryce: I don't know.
Nessa: then why did you say old?
Bryce: because she moved out of her apartment earlier today and no one knows where she went.
Nessa: so she just went AWOL?
Bryce: yeah. Look what y'all did was really mess up and I think y'all really pushed her over the edge this time.
Jaden: she'll be alright.
Bryce: why- you know what never mind.

I walked out.

*Josh's Pov*

I got to Riley and Indi's apartment and knocked on the door.

Indiana: oh look it's the shit talker.
Josh: ...can I come in?
Indiana: I don't know. Riley, Josh is here, should I let him in?
Riley: NO!
Indiana: you heard her.

She slammed the door in my face. I started knocking on the door.

Josh: come on open up, I'm worry about your sister...and best friend.

Then the door flew open.

Riley: you're worried about her?!
Josh: ok look-
Riley: no you don't get to be worried about her! Where was this when she told you the truth about what was going on huh?!
Josh: I'm sorry ok. I didn't want to believe her because I didn't want her to be right.
Indiana: well she was.
Josh: I know. Do you know where she is?
Indiana: at her apartment why?
Josh: y'all don't know?
Riley: know what?
Josh: can I come in first?
Riley: no-
Indiana: fine.
Riley what?

Indi lifted Riley out of the way.

Riley: put me down.

She put her down when I came inside.

Josh: Mads is gone.
Riley: what?
Indiana: what do you mean Mads is gone?
Josh: she cleaned out her apartment and left I think this morning.
Riley: how do you know this?
Josh: her neighbor Christian told me.
Riley: oh...why didn't she tell me?
Josh: I don't know.
Indiana: did he say where she went?
Josh: no, she never told him where she was going that's why I came here to see if you guys know.
Riley: no, I don't know where my sister is. She won't return my texts or calls.
Indiana: mine either.
Riley: I need to call my mom.

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