Falling for her? 🤭

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*Mads Pov*

*The next morning*

I had a major headache. I opened my eyes and sat up and realized I was at Josh's place. I have no idea what happened last night or how I got here.

Josh: uh morning.

I looked over and Josh was standing over top of me.

Mads: morning...I think. What time is it?
Josh: close to 12. Coffee?

He handed it to me and it was from Starbucks, my favorite order to be exact.

Mads: this is my favorite drink, how did you know?
Josh: I called Riley and asked.
Mads: well thank you.
Josh: you're welcome.

I took two small sips then leaned back on the couch.

Mads: what happened last night?
Josh: you don't remember anything?
Mads: no the last thing I remember was arguing with Riley and Indi.
Josh: well you got drunk last night. You had about nine shots.
Mads: woah.
Josh: and you let it slip that we could hook up.
Mads: oh my- did anyone hear me?
Josh: uhh...no...
Mads: thank God. But we didn't-
Josh: no we didn't you passed out on my couch.
Mads: ok good...I'm sorry for being a bother.
Josh: Mads, you aren't a bother nothing happened and you're fine. I have a feeling if I wasn't there something bad would of happened.
Mads: I doubt it, I wasn't that drunk.
Josh: trust me you were.

He was staring directly into my eyes making me a little more confused than I already was.

Mads: what's wrong?
Josh: what? Oh uh nothing...yeah nothing.
Mads: are you sure we didn't hook up?
Josh: I'm sure. I would never hook up with someone in that type of state knowing I'm sober.

It was awkward silence and it never been this awkward between us. I have a feeling something happened last night and he won't tell me.

Mads: I'm just gonna go. Thank you again for the coffee I appreciate it.
Josh: uh yeah no problem. Here's your keys.
Mads: I didn't drive here did I?
Josh: no your cousin just dropped off your car. I drove you here.
Mads: oh well thank you...

I took the keys from his hand and grabbed my phone.

Mads: I'll call you later.
Josh: alright.

Then I left still so confused on why it was so awkward between us now.

*Josh's Pov*

I called Griffin because I really needed to talk to him. He was the only person I could talk to about what happened last night, because Bryce is still friends with Jaden and he might snitch to him. Anthony is with Avani and Avani is still friends with Nessa and she might tell Nessa who will definitely tell Jaden. So Griffin is the only one I can tell.

Griffin: what do you want man I was busy.
Josh: busy doing what?
Griffin: sleeping now what?
Josh: this la- never mind. I have something to tell you, and you can't tell anyone.
Griffin: it better be more important then sleep.
Josh: I think I'm falling for Mads.
Griffin: I guess it is, now you're what?
Josh: I think I'm falling for Mads.

Griffin: how are you falling for her?
Josh: I don't know.
Griffin: what do you mean you don't know?
Josh: I mean what I said. There's just something about her tha- basically- there's a quality she has.
Griffin: a quality?
Josh: I just- I see something in her that I never seen in Nessa.
Griffin: like what, kindness, not self centered, not a ho-
Josh: stop talking.
Griffin: what I wasn't going to call her a hoe, I was going to say home wrecker.
Josh: I know you were that's why I said stop talking.
Griffin: then what do you see in Mads that you didn't see in Nessa?
Josh: I don't know it's hard to describe.
Griffin: but like when?
Josh: last night, we-
Griffin: just last night?
Josh: shut up I'm telling a story.
Griffin: my bad jeez.

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