All I ever wanted 🤭

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*Mads Pov*

???: ma'am, are you bordering or not?
Josh: no?
Mads: no...I do love you.

I seen Riley smile.

Mads: but-
Josh: no buts.
Mads: but what if this doesn't work?
Josh: I'm going to make it work, we're going to make it work.

I let go of my suitcase and kissed him. I didn't care who was watching anymore.

Josh: I thought you cared about people looking.
Mads: I don't see anybody, I only see you and I...and Riley but that's besides the point. I only see you and I.

I hugged him. This is what I wanted all this time, I wanted him. I tried telling myself I didn't want him to spare myself from heartbreak again but I can't deny it anymore. He's the only person I want in this world.

Mads: you have to make me a promise.
Josh: ok?
Mads: you have to promise me you won't hurt me like Jaden did.
Josh: I promise I won't.
Mads: I hope you keep this promise 'cause you broke the last one.
Josh: and I'm sorry for that. I should of never said those things but I do love you in spite of all those things.
Mads: just please don't hurt me.
Josh: I won't I promise.

He kissed me then hugged me.

Riley: you guys are adorable and I'm really happy for y'all. Especially cause she's not moving but my feet hurt can we go home now?
Josh: what a way to ruin the moment.
Mads: yes we can go home but I want you to drop me off at his house.
Josh: are you sure? Vinnie and Bryce are there. Mads: there way better than Indi. She's going to ask a million in one questions as soon as we walk through the door.
Josh: if you say so.

Mads: I take it back, I wanna go home.
Josh: instant regret huh?
Mads: yuh.
Griffin: you still didn't tell us how it happened.
Josh: when did you even get here?
Vinnie: we let him in now tell us.
Mads: why do you sound like my sister and Indi?
Griffin: sorry we're a sucker for love stories.
Mads: dumbbells.
Bryce: seriously!
Mads: yuh.
Josh: just know I went to the airport and pleaded for her to not get on the plane.
Griffin: yeah but how did it happen?
Josh: how many details do you want?
Bryce: a lot!
Mads: well you're not getting it.

Vinnie: found it!
Bryce: let me see!
Vinnie: hold on.

He connected his phone to the tv then played the video.

Mads: definitely way worse.
Josh: I tried to tell you.

We watched half of what happened 'cause no one recorded the whole thing.

Vinnie: what made you want to go to Arizona in the first place?

He asked curiously.

Mads: I just needed to find myself. I wanted to find real love and somebody who wouldn't use me for my body or fame. My mom found love in Arizona and so did my grandfather. I thought if I went there I'll be able to find somebody who wanted me for me. I was finally trying to do something for myself and figure out what I want. Turns out he was the person I wanted. I tried to deny it but I can't deny it anymore. He's all I ever wanted.
Josh: and she's everything I've been looking for in a girl.

I looked at him and smiled.

Vinnie: low key jealous now.
Mads: you'll be okay.
Griffin: I can't wait to see the look on Jaden's face when he finds out about you two.
Mads: his opinion doesn't matter to me anymore. He did too much to me for me to care what he thinks.
Josh: you know I was trying to call you the other day 'cause Nessa wanted to give you an apology.
Mads: did she actually want to or is she just doing it because people are telling her she owes me an apology?
Josh: I don't know I didn't ask.
Mads: then I don't want it. I got too many meaningless apologies from her and him I don't need anymore of them.

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