Friends again? 🤭

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*Josh's Pov*

She stormed out of the room and Bryce motioned his hands to the door.

Josh: what?
Bryce: go after her.
Josh: she doesn't want to talk to me so why should I?
Bryce: wow- Griffin was right, you're a moron.
Josh: wha-
Bryce: you guys been friends for the longest and you can't just throw it away because of Nessa and Jaden. You need to apologize to her right now and mean it or you'll lose another loyal friend.
Josh: I didn't mean all the stuff I said about her.
Bryce: don't tell me tell her.
Josh: alright.

I left her room and went to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

Josh: Mads open the door.
Mads: no!
Josh: Mads, I really am sorry.
Mads: that's what they all say!
Josh: I didn't mean anything I said. I know it was wrong and I should of never said it.

It was quiet for a few minutes then the door opened.

Mads: go on.
Josh: you didn't deserve what happened to you. I reacted the wrong way and I'm sorry. I should of believed you because you always tell the truth and this is something you wouldn't lie about.
Mads: well at least you know.
Josh: even if you don't want to forgive me, I just want to be your friend again.
Mads: much as I'm going to regret this...I forgive you...
Josh: really?
Mads: yeah...I don't wanna because I know it's going to come bite me in the ass but I forgive to easily so.
Josh: I don't-
Mads: hush.

*Mads Pov*

Josh: can I get a hug?
Mads: ew no gross.

She said walking out of the bathroom.

Josh: please.

I sighed and gave him a hug. I didn't want to hug him because I don't like hugs. I don't know I just get uncomfortable but this time I didn't. It actually felt nice. That's weird. Eventually he let go.

Josh: are you eating?
Mads: yes, only 'cause people are forcing me to.
Josh: good, why did you stop eating anyway?
Mads: because what's the point.

I said walking back to my room with Bryce still there.

Josh: elaborate for me.
Bryce: so I'm assuming y'all made up.
Mads: everything in my life was falling apart so there was no point in eating.
Josh: Mads, that's not-
Mads: I thought you came here to apologize not give me a lecture.
Josh: fine.

Josh elbows Bryce.

Bryce: ow! oh- Mads-
Mads: I don't want to hear your lecture either. I'm eating now so that's all that matters right?
Bryce: yeah kind-
Josh: no it doesn't.
Mads: why do you care so much?
Josh: because you're my best friend-
Bryce: mhm.
Josh: shush. I just- just promise me you won't do this again.
Mads: I promise I won't starve myself again, but I'm not going to promise I won't run away again.
Josh: br-
Bryce: just take it as a win and let it go.
Josh: fine.
Mads: but you have to promise me something.
Josh: what?
Mads: that you won't say I'm crazy or any bad things about me again.
Josh: I promise.

*Two days later*



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