Returning to social media 🤭

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*Mads Pov*

I felt something burning my nose which made me sit up quickly and start coughing. I felt someone hugging me but I didn't know who it was.

Mom: oh thank God.

Mom? I was finally able to calm. The person stopped hugging me and turns out Riley was the one hugging me.

Mom: sweetie, are you ok?
Mads: I-I'm f-fine...where am I?
Indiana: Kota brought you back here.
Mads: did you kidnap me?
Dakota: you left me no choice.
Riley: Mads, why did you leave and not say anything to any of us.
Mads: because I needed to be alone.
Dad: how are you feeling?
Mads: I-I just- I don't know how I feel but I do know that I'm going back to Arizona.

I struggle to get up but when I do, I was about to go back down but Kota grabbed me.

Dakota: Mads, you can't even stand up straight, let alone walk.
Mads: I'm fine.
Mom: you need to sit down and eat.
Mads: I'm not hungry.
Dakota: Mads, you need to eat; you're much lighter than you were four months ago.
Mads: I've only been gone for three months.
Dakota: but I haven't picked you up in four.
Mads: if I eat will you leave me alone and let me go back to Arizona?
Riley: leave you alone yes.
Indiana: let you go back to Arizona no.
Mads: fine.

Kota helped to the table and my mom gave me a plate of food; it did not look appetizing. Don't get me wrong her cooking is great I just don't want to eat anything.

Dad: Mads just eat a lil bit and we'll go from there.

I nod my head then picked up my fork. I took five small bites then put my fork down.

Indiana: that's good enough.
Riley: I'll help her to bed.

Riley helped me out of the chair and up the stairs. She put me in my old room and I laid down under the covers.

Riley: now don't try to climb out the window or we'll have to lock this place down like a mental institution.
Mads: that's not funny.
Riley: not trying to be.

She sits next to me on the bed.

Riley: please don't run away again, especially leaving without telling me.
Mads: we'll see.
Riley: Mads, I'm being serious. You had all of us worried, and I really thought I lost you.
Mads: I'll try ok.
Riley: try really hard...I'm glad you're okay.

I gave her a half smile then rolled over.

*A week later*

I started eating some more not a lot but some more. I decided I was going to come back to social media knowing it'll be a mistake. Also I'm staying with my parents until I find an apartment for myself...again.



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Liked by: joshrichards, rileylewis, tiff

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Liked by: joshrichards, rileylewis, tiff.any.l, brycehall, julesleblanc, indiana, juliemassara, brookebutler, curtisnewbill, ameliezibler, imgriffinjohnson, sabquesada, and 718,900 others

Caption: feels weird being back 🥲✌🏻

itsrileylewis: so pretty sissy! 😻
^madslewis: I love you 🤍

indiana: wifey 😍😍😍
^madslewis: bae 🤍

ameliezibler: so beautiful 🖤

brycehall: welcome back

user827372: our queen is back!!!

user199873: where were you this whole time?

user13516: why were you gone?
^madslewis: just needed some time to myself and think about life itself :(

curtisnewbill: we missed you :)
^madslewis <3

user196557: I'm glad you're ok

user10988: #teammads
^user77618: #teammadison
^user10988: same thing

user14333: welcome back!

user138651: how are doing with all this drama?

Mom: Mads, you have some visitors.
Mads: ok, you can let them in.

My mom opened the door all the way and Bryce and Josh walked in...great.

Josh: hey.
Mads: hi...
Bryce: Mads, you look so different.
Mads: I know.
Josh: did you lose weight?
Mads: that's none of your business. What do you guys want?
Bryce: well thanks for letting us know that you're back.
Mads: you're welcome.
Josh: Where have you been this whole time?
Mads: I'm not telling you; I might have to run away again.
Josh: Mads, I was really worried about you.
Mads: now you're worried about me.

I said getting up.

Josh: what is that supposed to mean?
Mads: it's means what I said. Were you worried about me when I was being used and cheated on?
Josh: hey, I was there for you when Nessa was treating you like shit.
Mads: that's great. But were you worried about me when you were on your podcast calling me a lying crazy obsessive ex?
Bryce: she got you there.
Josh: ok and I'm sorry.
Mads: sorry isn't going to cut it.
Josh: I don't know what you want me to do.
Mads: nothing, bye don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Josh: Mads-
Bryce: guys stop. Y'all been friends for the longest now, don't-
Mads: well if we were friends, he wouldn't have said those things about me.

I left the room and went to the bathroom and slammed the door.

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