One last party 🤭

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Riley: Vinnie told me, you know when you came in drunk.
Mads: ugh I can't believe he would do that.
Indiana: what I wanna know is why didn't you tell us?
Mads: 'cause I didn't want to give you guys any money.
Riley: but you ended up giving us money anyway.
Mads: that's 'cause y'all won the bet.
Indiana: you fell for him?

I nodded my head.

Mads: well technically he fell for me first but whatever it doesn't make a difference.
Riley: do you love him?
Mads: ...yeah, but I can't be with him so it doesn't matter.
Indiana: I'm sorry.

She came over to hug me.

Mads: he promised he wasn't going to say those things about me ever again.
Riley: it's Josh, you should of known he was going to break this promise.
Mads: he doesn't break promises...let me rephrase that, he doesn't break any promises he makes me.
Indiana: better.

The doorbell ranged.

Indiana: I'll get it.

She left the room.

Riley: maybe him and Nessa aren't going to get back together maybe they just needed to talk to each other.
Mads: I didn't say they were getting back together, but both of them know better.

Indiana screamed and we heard the door slam.

Riley: do you think that was Josh?
Mads: I doubt it. I'm mad at him but she still would let him in anyway.
Riley: so if it was him would you have talk to him?
Mads: absolutely not.
Riley: see running away from your problems.
Mads: shut it.

Indiana came back in the room with a mug on her face.

Mads: was that Josh?
Indiana: no just some hobo.
Riley: so Josh?
Indiana: no some HOBO.
Riley: oh- oh hell no.
Mads: who's the hobo?
Riley: no one.
Indiana: don't worry about it.

I got up and looked out the window and saw Jaden leaving the building on the phone.

Mads: why didn't you tell me he was here?
Indiana: 'cause you don't need to see him.
Mads: Indi!

I rush out of the room and went outside hoping I caught him before he left.

Jaden: I tried but Indiana wouldn't let me in.
Mads: are you here to see me?

He turned around to me.

Jaden: never mind.
Mads: what are you doing here? I thought I made it pretty clear that I didn't want to see you again.
Jaden: I came to give you an apology.
Mads: apology for what?
Jaden: I'm sorry for everything I did to you. You didn't deserve that. You were innocent in all this and I never meant to hurt I'm sorry.
Mads: ok.
Jaden: so are you going to stop hanging out with Josh?
Mads: excuse me?
Jaden: are you going to stop hanging out with Josh?
Mads: is that the only reason you apologized?!
Jaden: no, and you didn't even accept my apology.

Mads: 'cause your apologies mean nothing. You apologize to people and then end up doing the same shit again 'cause that's what you do. Plus, I know you don't mean it.
Jaden: I do mean it. I wouldn't have apologized if I didn't mean it.
Mads: but you always apologize and I forgive you and then you hurt me again.
Jaden: did I ask for you to take me back? Uh no.
Mads: did I say that's what you were doing? Uh no.
Jaden: look, I came all the way out here, the least you could do is accept my apology.
Mads: I don't have too.
Jaden: yes you do, again I came all the way out here.
Mads: why does everyone believe I'm obligated to do whatever they want me to do?! I'm my own person, I'm 22 years old, I don't have to listen to you, and I don't have to accept your apology. Have a good day.

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