Bringing her home 🤭

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Tiffany: what do you mean she's gone?
Riley: she packed up all her stuff and left.
Tiffany: left where?
Riley: I don't know she never said let alone said goodbye.
Tiffany: then how do you know?
Riley: Mads neighbor Christian told Josh.
Tiffany: y'all need to find her expect for you Josh.
Josh: why?
Tiffany: you're the one who probably caused her to run away in the first place.
Indiana: true.
Josh: you don't know that.
Riley: we'll look for her mom.
Tiffany: ok.

She hanged up the phone then Griffin called me.

Josh: what?
Griffin: rude, that's not how you greet someone when you answer the phone.
Josh: what is it Griffin I don't have time for this.
Griffin: did y'all find Mads?
Josh: no.
Griffin: oh...well call me when you find her.
Josh: ok.

I hanged up on him then Bryce called me.

Josh: oh my gosh what?
Bryce: rude. Is she there?

Riley took the phone out of my hand.

Riley: no, she's not here.
Josh: give me my phone back.
Riley: no.
Bryce: do you know where she is?
Riley: no, she never even told me she left.
Bryce: are you sure?
Riley: I wouldn't hide or lie about this.
Bryce: I'm finna drive around and see if I can find her.
Riley: ok, bye.

She hanged up and threw my phone at me.

Josh: ow.
Riley: my sisters missing and she's probably dead in some alley.
Indiana: Riley, she's not dead.
Riley: you don't know that. Oh my gosh she ran away to Paris without me.
Josh: no she didn't.
Riley: again you don't know that.
Josh: I'm pretty sure I do.
Indiana: I'm pretty sure she's still in La let alone California.
Riley: again you don't know that.

*Bryce's Pov*

Josh: anything?
Bryce: no, I tried tracking her location but I couldn't find it. I guess she turned off her location.
Josh: ok maybe we need to call her extend family or something.
Bryce: I don't have their numbers.
Josh: I do, I'll call them.
Bryce: alright.

I hanged up on him and drove home.

*Josh's Pov*

John: Mads grandfather

John: hello?
Josh: hi, I don't know if you remember me but it's Josh.
John: yeah, I remember you. What do you want?
Josh: everyone is looking for Mads and we were wondering if you seen or heard from her.
John: I've heard from her but I haven't seen her. I rather my grandchildren or their mom calling me about Mads whereabouts.

He hanged up on me.

Josh: rude.

I gotta find her. I need to apologize to her before I lose my best friend.

*Three Months later*

*Riley's Pov*

It's been three months since Mads disappeared. I tried so many times to call the police and report that she was missing but my mom wouldn't let me. Something about she packed her stuff and left for a reason.

Riley: I miss her, she's my sister; we literally shared a womb.
Dakota: I know I shared one with y'all too. She's going to come back I know she is.

Our conversation was interrupted when I got a phone call from my grandfather.

Riley: hi...
Grandfather: hi, I need to talk to you. Are you alone?
Riley: I'm with Kota.
Grandfather: ok, that's alright. Put me on speaker.

I put him on speaker.

Dakota: hey granddad, what's up?
Grandfather: I know where Mads is.
Riley: what?!
Grandfather: she made me promise not to tell you, but I'm worried about her.
Dakota: what's going on?
Grandfather: she rarely comes out of her room which means she's rarely eating and I'm worried that one day I'm going to go up there and she's dead because she hasn't been eating.
Riley: why didn't you tell us she was with you?
Grandfather: she made me and your nana promise. I think it's time for her to be with you guys again.
Dakota: ok, I'm on my way. I'll be there in about 3 hours.
Grandfather: ok, love you guys.
Riley: love you too.

I hanged up and looked at Kota who was grabbing his keys.

Riley: why do you get to go?
Dakota: I'm going to go get her and you are going to get Indi, and our parents together and let them know I'm getting her.
Riley: please bring her back alive.
Dakota: I will.

I left out the door and I grabbed my phone.

*Dakota's Pov*

I called an Uber and got drop off at the airport. I got a one way ticket then waited for my flight to be called. This is going to be a long flight.

*Two hours later*

I got off the plane and called an Uber. I knocked on the front door.

Grandfather: hi, I'm glad you came.
Dakota: me too. Where is she?
Grandfather: upstairs. Mads come downstairs, I have a surprise for you!

I hear a door open then Mads came stumbling down the stairs. Boy did she lose a lot of weight.

Mads: Kota? Papa, you said you weren't going to tell anyone where I was.
Grandfather: I was worried about you.
Mads: well, I'm fine goodbye now.
Dakota: Mads, you're not fine.

I take a step towards her.

Mads: yes I am.
Dakota: Mads, you've been starving yourself and obviously been crying, because I can tell by your eyes. Plus you need some sleep.
Mads: I'm fine and I'm not going anywhere if thats what you came here for.
Dakota: if I have to kidnap you I will.
Mads: look, I love you b-but I'm n-n-

She started leaning forward and passed out. I caught her then picked her up.

Dakota: did she bring her car here.
Grandfather: yeah, it's in the driveway.

I took her outside and put her in the front seat. I put her seatbelt on and leaned the seat back. I went inside and started packing her clothes.

Dakota: where's nana?
Grandfather: out.
Dakota: ok, I got everything. I'll let you know when I get back to La.
Grandfather: and let me know if she's ok.
Dakota: will do, love you.
Grandfather: love you too.

I put Mads suitcases in her car then got in the front seat. I texted Riley letting her know I'll be there in about six hours. Mads was just laying there not moving. I don't know if she's sleeping or what, so I drive as fast as I can on the highway without getting pulled over.

*Riley's Pov*

Riley: where is he?!
Indiana: he's on his way and you know that.
Riley: I need to make sure my sister is ok. I need make sure she's alive and well.
Indiana: she's going to be alive...and hopefully well.
Riley: so you don't think she's going to be well?
Indiana: I'm not-

Kota opened the door carrying Mads.

Tiffany: oh my-
Indiana: so not well.

Kota put her on the couch.

Dakota: she hasn't woken up since I put her in the car.
Tiffany: maybe we should take her to hospital, she looks like she lost a lot of weight.
Dakota: she hasn't been eating.
Riley: hold on.

I grab some smelling salts and put it by her nose. She shot up and started coughing. I hugged her to calm her down.

Tiffany: oh thank God.

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