Our little secret 🤭

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Mads: what do you mean?
Josh: something did happen last night.
Mads: like?
Josh: when we were at the bar and you said that we can hook up to make it look like we're together, your cousin heard.
Mads: I thought nobody heard me.
Josh: she heard.
Mads: ...is that all?
Josh: no...you kissed me last night then passed out on my couch.
Mads: I kissed you?
Josh: yes but you were drunk so I know it didn't mean anything.
Mads: why didn't you tell me then?
Josh: I didn't want you to worry about it.
Mads: you could of told me though.
Josh: I'm sorry.
Mads: ...it's alright. So we didn't hook up?
Josh: no, that definitely didn't happen.
Mads: ok...

It was quiet for a minute or two.

Mads: I'm sorry I kissed you.
Josh: it's alright, you were drunk...and it was kinda nice.
Mads: huh?
Josh: it was kinda nice.

I said looking down.

Mads: you liked the kiss? Are you sure you weren't drunk too?

She asked laughing.

Josh: no I wasn't. I never thought I would get over Nessa and I told myself and the internet that me and her are done; there's no getting back together at all. I never thought I would fall for you.
Mads: you're falling for me?
Josh: kinda- I don't know. I assuming it's a crush but I can't stop thinking about you and that kiss, and I know it just happened yesterday but I can't stop thinking about it. I know I'm not in love with you, but I do see you as more than a friend now.
Mads: wow...
Josh: I understand if you don't want to hang out anymore because it'll be too weird-
Mads: now I didn't say all that don't put words in my mouth.
Josh: I'm not trying to put words in your mouth I'm just assuming that's how you feel.
Mads: well it isn't.

She grabbed my chin to make me look at her and there was those butterflies again.

Mads: I definitely didn't expect you to come here and say that. I believe I don't feel the same way but maybe I will soon...but I don't know if it's a good idea for us to get together because if something happens I don't know what's going to happen to our friendship.
Josh: you're right...
Mads: I hope you're not mad at me.
Josh: why would I be mad at you, I mean you're not wrong. Maybe one day this will work out.
Mads: maybe...ok I'll see you in an hour or two?
Josh: mhm?
Mads: I'm coming over later so we can discuss this more if that's ok.
Josh: yeah sure.
Mads: I'll get Griffin but make sure he's not there when I get there.
Josh: ok? Are you going to tell your sister and Indi?
Mads: I wasn't planning on telling anyone, were you?
Josh: no...
Mads: good I'll see you later.

She hugged me then went inside.

*Mads Pov*

Mads: Griffin, Josh is waiting for you outside.
Griffin: so what did y'all talk about?
Mads: get out.
Griffin: fine.

He left and I went to the refrigerator to get a water.

Indiana: so what did y'all talk about?
Mads: bruh.
Riley: we just wanna know.
Mads: well y'all not gonna.
Indiana: they probably did hook up last night.

She said laughing making Riley laugh as well.

Mads: for the last time we did not hook up.
Indiana: whatever you say.
Mads: we didn't!
Riley: see you're getting a little too defensive which is making me believe you guys did hook up.
Mads: even if I wasn't getting defensive y'all still wouldn't believe me.
Indiana: you gotta point, so y'all did hook up?
Mads: no woman!
Indiana: alright.
Riley: so what did y'all talk about?
Mads: I'm not telling you guys.
Riley: just tell us.
Mads: I'm done with this conversation.

I said grabbing my phone and keys.

Indiana: where are you going?
Mads: out.
Riley: why?
Mads: because I wanna.
Riley: fine.

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