Please don't leave me 🤭

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Mads: I put stamps on the boxes and the address. Can you mail them out for me?
Indiana: before I do that, are you sure this is what you want?
Mads: are you trying to talk me out of it again?
Indiana: no, I just wanna know.
Mads: I don't know what I want. I need to figure that out for myself. I tried before but Kota kidnapped me and brought me back here, so I need to go back and figure it out.

Indiana: Mads, you were literally starving yourself there.
Mads: I wasn't starving myself. I was just not eating.
Indiana: that's starving yourself.
Mads: I don't need you to get all technical with me.
Indiana: just promise me you'll take care of yourself and be careful.
Mads: I promise and I'll call you everyday.
Indiana: you better.

I hugged her

Mads: I love you Indi.
Indiana: I love you too Mads.

*Riley's Pov*

Bryce: hey Riley.
Riley: you don't live here.
Bryce: you're looking for Josh aren't you?
Riley: no I'm looking for you.
Bryce: your sarcastic mouth is going to make me close the door in your face.
Riley: I wish you would, I'll pull all my rings out of my bag and backhand the fuck outta you.
Bryce: come in, he's in the kitchen.
Riley: what I thought.

I walked in and went to the kitchen.

Josh: Riley? What are you doing here?
Riley: here to backhand the fuck outta you.
Vinnie: woah woah woah no backhanding people.
Riley: Mads is moving.
Josh: oh, she finally found her own place.
Riley: no you moron. She's moving to Arizona.
Josh: why?
Bryce: 'cause she needs a fresh start.
Riley: no she doesn't, she's running away from her problems.
Bryce: I said that and she got upset.
Josh: when is she moving?

Riley: today, she's heading to the airport now.
Josh: and y'all didn't convince her not to go?!
Riley: you're the reason she's leaving!
Josh: me?! What did I do?
Riley: you let Nessa back in your life after everything that's happened.
Josh: is that why she's so mad at me?
Vinnie: well, she told me that she heard you and Griffin talking about her.
Josh: damn.
Riley: why would you say those things about her after you promised her you would never do that again?
Josh: I was weighing my options.
Riley: what options?!
Josh: I was going to ask your sister out ok!

I was taken aback.

Riley: you were gonna what?
Josh: I was going to ask her out soon.
Vinnie: I thought it was just casual.
Josh: no, it was never casual. I love her, I love her to death.
Bryce: wow.
Riley: then why did we see a photo of you and Nessa together?
Josh: 'cause I wanted to see if she was ok with me dating Mads, you know something she should of did when she started dating my best friend.
Riley: wait, how did it all go down? And hurry up we're on a clock.

*Flashback (Josh's Pov)*

Josh: Nessa? What are you doing here?
Nessa: can we talk?
Josh: I'm a little busy right now.
Nessa: it won't take long.
Josh: fine.

I put a leash on Buddy then closed my door.

Josh: what do you want?
Nessa: as you know Jaden and I broke up.
Josh: yeah, I know. Everyone knows.
Nessa: I wanted to come and clear the air.
Josh: clear the air?
Nessa: yeah, apologize. I'm sorry for getting with your best friend.
Josh: it's whatever. It showed me his true colors so.
Nessa: I should of listened to her.
Josh: why?
Nessa: 'cause what he did to her, he did the same thing to me.
Josh: well I'm sorry.
Nessa: it's have you've been doing?
Josh: I've been doing pretty well.
Nessa: that's good.

Josh: now that I got you, I have to tell you something.
Nessa: what?
Josh: Mads and I started hanging out more.
Nessa: I know. You're dating her now?
Josh: no I wanted to talk to you about it before we do.
Nessa: if you want to date her go ahead. I don't care, but thank you for telling me. Just don't hurt her.
Josh: we all learn from our mistakes, not everyone but most people do.

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