Moving in together? 🤭

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*Quinton's Pov*

Jaden: you have to be fucking kidding me!
Quinton: I'm gonna need you to calm down.
Jaden: calm down?! One day I'm apologizing to her, the next she's with him- did you know about this?
Quinton: does it look like I known about this?
Jaden: this isn't- this wasn't how it was supposed to go.
Quinton: how was it supposed to go?
Jaden: I don't know!
Quinton: well you're just gonna have to get over it.
Jaden: get over it? Are you here to help me or not?
Quinton: you want me to tell you the truth?
Jaden: honestly yes.

Quinton: you treated her like shit-
Jaden: excuse me?
Quinton: I'm not done. You broke her.
Jaden: who?
Quinton: Mads. She needed someone to put the pieces of her broken heart back together. The pieces that you broke.
Jaden: but she turned to Josh of all people.
Quinton: I doubt she turned to him but still. This is probably just a phase. You're most likely overreacting.
Jaden: I doubt that.
Quinton: and even if it's not you have no right to be angry.
Jaden: why? Why don't I have a reason to be angry?
Quinton: there's like five reasons but I'm only going to give you three. One, you and Josh aren't friends anymore so they can do whatever they want. Two, you hurt her so I don't know why you expected her to come back, and three, you did the exact same thing to them. You want me to say the other two reasons?
Jaden: no I get it damn.

Quinton: you need to let this go and move on with your life. You're not going to get any of them back in your life so just let this go and maybe change your ways so you don't lose anyone else.
Jaden: ...alright, I'll let this go.
Quinton: and change your ways.
Jaden: and change my ways.
Quinton: thank you.
Cynthia: let's see how long this is going to last this time.
Jaden: shut the-
Quinton: alright!

*End of Quinton's Pov*

*Mads Pov*

Mads: I found this good apartment near Riley and Indiana.

I said sitting on the couch next to Josh.

Josh: let me see.

I showed him.

Josh: what about a apartment near me?
Mads: I have to live near them, they don't trust me. Besides it's close to you.
Josh: how close?
Mads: like 30-45 minutes away.
Josh: and you think that's close?
Mads: yeah kinda.
Josh: why don't you just live here with me.
Mads: be-
Bryce: look at them.
Mads: can you stop recording us for two seconds? We're trying to have a important conversation.
Bryce: well excuse me.

Mads: anyways, you know why.
Josh: no I don't.
Mads: because if I move in and something happens I won't have anywhere to go.
Josh: that would happen regardless if we moved in with each other now or later. It would just make more since to move in here now than down the road.
Mads: we've been dating for what 24 hours-
Bryce: actually-
Mads: don't interrupt me.
Bryce: you just interrupted me.
Mads: you did it first. Anyways, I just don't think it's the right time for us to move in-
Anthony: if I may interrupt.
Mads: no you may not.

Anthony: you guys known each other for what five years.
Josh: almost six years.
Anthony: yeah that's great. I think it wouldn't be bad for you two to move in with each other.
Mads: ...I didn't really think about that.
Josh: so you will?
Mads: I still don't know. I don't want to regret moving in with you.
Josh: you moved in with Jaden.
Mads: and as you can see I regret it.
Josh: you're not going to regret it.
Mads: ...alright fine, but you have to tell my parents and the two morons.
Anthony: the two morons?
Josh: Riley and Indiana.
Anthony: oh, makes sense now.

*The next day*

Indiana: are you kidding me?!
Mads: does it look like it was my idea and shhh!
Riley: don't let yourself get manipulated.
Mads: this isn't manipulation.
Riley: fine, don't let yourself get pressure-
Indiana: kinda the same thing.
Riley: whatever.
Mads: nobody's manipulating or pressuring me into doing this.
Riley: and you think this is a good idea?
Mads: honestly, I don't know but it wouldn't be a bad idea to give it a try. I mean we lived together at Sway kinda.
Riley: you know what, if you want to move in with him I'm not going to stop you.

Indiana: what the hell are you doing?
Riley: she's what twenty-two, she can do what she wants and she's obviously in love with him and he's in love with her so it most likely will work out.
Mads: thank you.
Indiana: I can't believe-
Mads: Indi, we'll still hang out.
Indiana: that's not true. When you get a boyfriend you ditch your friends.
Mads: that's not true.
Indiana: you ditch me when you and Jaden were dating.
Mads: again not true and plus, I'm dating Josh and I'm hanging out with you two right now.
Indiana: just don't get too attached to him.
Mads: I won't and fuck you.



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Liked by: indiana, rileylewis, joshrichards, brycehall, dakotalewis_, tiff

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Liked by: indiana, rileylewis, joshrichards, brycehall, dakotalewis_, tiff.any.l, luvanthony, oliviarichardz, avani, amiraharvey, ken3ielee, vinniehacker, imgriffinjohnson, julesleblanc, brookebutler, kiocyr, and 321,554 others

Caption: I'm so stupid for you 🖤✌🏻

joshrichards: oh really? 😏
^madslewis: 🤣✌🏻

amiraharvey: bestie 😻
^madslewis: 🤍🤍

indiana: 🥵🥵🥵
^madslewis: 🖤

user235522: the fit>>>

user14556643: your stockings have a few holes in them
^madsdisick: I know 😭

user245322: I want to see the whole fit with her standing up.

user334466: Tate McRae's song lyric 😻

user145322: the captions for Josh obviously 😒

user7554321: stunning 😻

user1422455: what I want to know is how did she keep her and Josh a secret from everyone including her family
^user345631: for real!

user281827: we need Mosh content please and thank you

user3641777: staying in La?

user366219: photos with Indi please!

user209919: 😻😻😻

user4656177: 🥵🥵🥵

A/N: I was going to do a different plot which would of made this story longer but I decided to scrap it...really wish I didn't now.

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