Drunk 🤭

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Riley: nooo.
Mads: I know.
Riley: why would you agree to it?
Mads: he wants to get back at Nessa and Jaden especially Nessa.
Indiana: he's not going to get back with her is he?
Mads: he keeps saying he's not but I doubt it.
Riley: does that mean you guys are going to...you know...hookup.
Indiana: oh my gosh, are you guys?
Mads: ew no. If I ever had to hookup with him I would have to be black out drunk, because I don't know if I can do it sober. Plus we're just pretending we're dating in front of them and their friends.
Riley: do you even want to do it?
Mads: no but he wants to so...
Indiana: 1,000 bucks says that she'll fall for him.
Riley: I'll take you up on the bet.
Mads: I'm not gonna fall for him.
Indiana: Mads, we love you but we all know that's false. And if that happens that's ok. Y'all would be cute together.
Riley: they'll be alright.
Mads: I can't stand y'all.

Indiana: 500 bucks says he's going to let Nessa back in his life.
Riley: he did say they weren't ever going to get back together.
Mads: when has he not said that? I'll take you on that bet.
Indiana: I'm going to be making 1500 dollars...nice.
Mads: you're not going to make 1000 dollars because I'm not going to fall for him.
Riley: come on Mads, it's you.
Mads: what's that supposed to mean?

Riley looked at Indi and she nod.

Riley: Mads, you may or may not get attach to the wrong people.
Mads: excuse me?
Indiana: what she's trying to say is when someone treats you right maybe once or twice you think they'll do it all the time.
Mads: that is so not true.
Riley: I love you but it is. You act like you need a man in your life to live.
Mads: again that is so not true.
Indiana: Mads, what we're trying to say is you pretending to date Josh to make them jealous isn't a good idea because you might get attached to him or fall for him.
Mads: I was contemplating backing out but now I'm not. Because for the last time I'm not going to fall for him. Now if you excuse me, I'm annoyed so I'm going to go get drunk.
Riley: have at it.
Indiana: just don't do anything stupid.
Mads: I don't do stupid things.

I was about to walk out the door.

Indiana: March 31st!
Mads: oh my-
Riley: I thought it was March 30th.
Indiana: no I'm pretty sure it was the 31st.
Mads: goodbye!

I slammed the door.

Indiana: she's just mad we're right.
Riley: honestly.

I rolled my eyes and left their building.


Liked by: rileylewis, indiana, joshrichards, brycehall, imgriffinjohnson, tiff

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Liked by: rileylewis, indiana, joshrichards, brycehall, imgriffinjohnson, tiff.any.l, juliemassara, brookebutler, jordantway, dakotalewis_, ameliezibler, julesleblanc, 300,012 others

Caption: what to do on this fine evening 🤍

rileylewis: didn't you say you were going to go get drunk?
^madslewis: @rileylewis shush woman 🙄

joshrichards: when did you start getting drunk?
^madslewis: since today.
^user128282: you guys should get together
^swaylastories70: that's what I'm saying!

indiana: BABE 😻
^madslewis: 🤍

user8251671: I love that dress!

user192938: you look incredibly beautiful 😻

user9181828: how come you left social media for a few months?
^madslewis: I think we all know I needed too

user231415: please be more active
^madslewis: I'll try <3

jordantway: 😻😻😻

user129292: gorgeous queen 🤍

user119828: have you talked to Jaden and Nessa after the...incident?
^user515166: why the hell would she do that?

user132324: that dress is so pretty 😻😻😻

*Third Person Pov*

Mads was at the bar getting a couple drinks with her cousin when Josh and Anthony showed up. Mads was already drunk when they came up to Mads and her cousin Jordan.

Mads: hey! It's the Ant man!
Anthony: you haven't called me that in years.
Josh: how much did she have to drink?
Jordan: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7- 8 shots.
Josh: ugh.
Anthony: wow she's drunk drunk.
Mads: and hey, if you want to hook up to make it seem like we're dating then that's ok with me.

She said taking another shot. Anthony just shook his head laughing, but Jordan's eye went wide as she was super confused.

Jordan: what is she talking about?
Josh: nothing.
Mads: wha-

He covered her mouth.

Josh: that's enough drinking tonight. I'm going to take her home.
Anthony: just take her to your place so you can keep an eye on her.
Jordan: I can follow behind you so her car is there then I'll just take an Uber to Riley's place.
Josh: ok.

Josh helps Mads out of her chair but she could barely stand, so he picked her and carried her out of the bar.

Anthony: have fun.

Anthony winked and Josh rolled his eyes while putting Mads in the front seat who was still babbling.

Mads: so we're going to your place?
Josh: yes now here.

He gave her a water bottle and she threw it in the back.

Josh: why?!
Mads: you think I'm going to take water from you...I want some food.
Josh: you don't need food, you need sleep.
Mads: don't tell me what I need or what I don't need.

She faced the window with her arms crossed. He sighed and continued driving. He pulled into the driveway and Jordan parked Mads car on the street.

Mads: I thought we were going to a party.
Josh: no one said we going to a party.
Jordan: heres her keys.
Josh: thank you.

Josh helped Mads inside and sat her down on the couch.

Mads: you're so cute.
Josh: thank you...I think.

Mads tries to stand up.

Josh: no you need to sit down actually you need to lay down.
Mads: you're so cute.
Josh: you already said that.

He said sitting on the couch.

Mads: I don't understand what Nessa sees in Jaden that she didn't see in you.
Josh: and I don't know what Jaden sees in Nessa that he didn't see in you.
Mads: please shes not an crazy obsessive woman like me.
Josh: Mads, you're not crazy or obsess.
Mads: you're a really good guy and you'll find someone who loves you and only you.
Josh: I can say the same for you.

She grabs his chin so he faces her. She was staring directly into his eyes. She slowly leans in and kisses. He kissed her back in shock but still felt all the butterflies in his stomach. She slowly pulled away and looked him in the eyes again.

Mads: night night.

She said tapping his head twice. She rolled over on the couch on her left side with her back facing the tv. He was in shock so all he did was get up, and put a blanket over her.

Josh: night...

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