"All my tears have been used up" 🤭

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*Riley's Pov*

I groaned as I heard the doorbell ring for what felt like the hundredth time.

Indiana: Riley if you don't get the door!

Bruh, if this bitch is awake why can't she get it. I threw the blanket off me and went downstairs to open the door.

Riley: Vinnie? It's almost 1 in the morning. Why are you here?
Vinnie: hey, I have someone here for you.

I noticed Mads on his shoulders.

Vinnie: where should I put her?
Riley: follow me.

I walked upstairs to the room Mads was staying in with Vinnie following me. He laid her down on the bed and put the blanket over her.

Riley: thank you for bringing her here even though you woke me up.
Vinnie: yeah sorry 'bout that. She brought her car keys but not the house keys, but I need you to talk to your sister.
Riley: why?

He told me why and my eyes widened.

Vinnie: and now she's planning on moving back to Arizona.
Riley: ok I'll talk to her when she wakes up.
Vinnie: alright.

I walked Vinnie out and went back to bed. I'm going to kill Josh.

*Bryce's Pov*

Jaden: I don't care Bryce alright.
Bryce: see you're saying you don't care but it looks like you do.
Jaden: but I don't.
Bryce: again it looks like you do.
Jaden: Bryce, I don't care get that through your thick skull.
Bryce: whatever you say. Did you make your amends yet?
Jaden: amends?
Bryce: your apologies to the people you hurt.
Jaden: why on earth would I do that?
Bryce: 'cause you hurt innocent people.
Jaden: innocent? Ok whatever YOU say.
Bryce: fine, you hurt an innocent person.
Jaden: better I guess, but no. None of them are getting an apology from me. You seen Josh and Mads get together.

Bryce: ok, they're not together and if they were I would know 'cause Mads tells me everything. Also, it's not the same thing you and Nessa did.
Jaden: are you on my side or not?
Bryce: I'm on everyone's side. You need to apologize to Mads and Josh.
Jaden: I already tried to apologize to Josh.
Bryce: and Mads?
Jaden: ...
Bryce: you need to apologize to her. She's staying at her sisters and Indiana's until she finds a place.
Jaden: don't make me go apologize.
Bryce: I'm not but I think you should. You drove that girl insane and made her look like the villain anytime something went down. You couldn't take accountability for what you did to her, so yeah you need go apologize.
Jaden: ...fine I'll go apologize.
Bryce: but don't you try to manipulate her into getting back together with you.
Jaden: I would never do that.

I gave him a stern look.

Jaden: ok, let me reword that. I wasn't going to do that.
Bryce: better.

*Mads Pov*

I groaned as the bright light hit my eyes as I opened them. I got that immediately feeling that I needed to go to the toilet. I threw the blanket of me and ran to the bathroom to throw up, instantly regretting drinking that much last night. After I was done I turned on the shower then got in. After that I got dress then grabbed a blanket and went downstairs.

Indiana: morning woman!
Mads: I don't have a headache so save your breath.
Indiana: damnit.

I collapsed on the couch.

Riley: you want to talk about what happened last night?
Mads: nothing happened last night. I went drinking then I came home.
Riley: that's not all that happened.
Mads: enlighten me.
Riley: you told Vinnie you were going back to Arizona.
Mads: when did I say that?
Riley: last night when you went drinking.
Mads: I don't remember saying that. Although that does sound like a good idea.
Riley: Mads no.
Mads: why not? There's nothing here for me anyway.

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