CHAPTER 2 - My Friend's Great Great Grandson Tried to Kill Me

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My room was colossal. Party streamers of every color hung from the ceiling. The wall was encrusted with every kind of crystal you could think of. In the center of the room was an open area that looked like a garden, with freshly mowed grass, roses, violets and other flowers. In the center of the clearing stood a whomping willow, ready to whomp anyone who walked too close, except for me, because I was its master. The four sides of the courtyard opened into different rooms. A bedroom, a large kitchen, a living room area, a gaming room and a bathroom.

I walked into the room with my mouth wide open and yelled, "BOOBOO, LUCKY!"

Then, I proceeded to sit down and play games for the next 20 hours. I barely had any sleep that night, and I ate nothing except for a billion cups of cup noodles that I found in my kitchen.

The next morning, Eden came to my room.

"Let's go," he said, "to the student assembly."

"Oh, okay," I replied a little uninterested. I wanted to keep playing my game. I noticed quickly that there were more people joining us as we walked down the corridors and Eden knocked on some of the doors. By the time we got to the first floor of the school, we were about twenty.

The assembly room was a humongous, park-sized theater, with thousands of podiums around, each with their own chair and stuff. Around four thousand people sat on their podiums, watching me walk into the room. There was a raised platform at the front of the room, and all podiums were pointed that way.

On the stage were 5 podiums in total, and three of them were empty. On one of them, however, I recognized the person who stood there. He was handsome like the blazing sun. His hair hung low past his chin; his eyes were as black as blocks of crying obsidian. He was addressing the entire room from his podium.

"Hello everyone, welcome to another school year. I am Julian! There are some new students. Those who are new, please get on the stage in a line and introduce yourself."

Several nervous students walked on the stage. I followed them when Julian noticed me.

"Amiel!" Julian exclaimed. He ran forward and lunged at me, trying to hug me, "You're not dead Amiel!"

He couldn't control his excitement. "I must tell the others the good news!" he exclaimed.

After a bit of looking at me like I was a monkey's butt, Julian finally noticed some of the strange looks the students were giving him, "Um, where am I?" Julian asked, embarrassed. "Oh, I remember. It's the ceremony! I now give Master Amiel a [MVP++] VIP card."

I looked around, puzzled. I didn't know what that VIP card was.

"That's not fair!" said a voice.

"Yeah!" said another.

"I have already been here 23 years, and I am only VIP!" a loud voice said.

"SHUT UP!!!" Julian shouted at the top of his voice.

"What's a [MVP++] anyways?" I asked Julian.

"Oh, there are VIP cards and from the lowest to highest they are: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, VIP, VIP+, VIP++, MVP, MVP+, and finally MVP++." Julian said, "Let's take you to the element stone so you guys can wake your own elemental powers!"

"Everybody new, come with me, and the rest of you, eat breakfast," said Julian.

We walked and we arrived at a huge stone with unknown runes on it.

"Everybody, line up. When it's your turn, put your right hand on the element stone and calm down," Julian said as everybody lined up.

A guy called Bob was first. He did exactly what Julian said, and a little fire symbol appeared on his forehead.

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