CHAPTER 3 - Poopleheim's Anger Management

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Mr. Booboo was taken to the hospital house. In the meantime, Poopleheim was pummeling me with questions.

"What do you mean you LOST YOUR MEMORIES?!" he yelled at me.

"I—I forgot! I don't know how or why or anything," I replied.

"You forgot me?!"

I tried to look guilty, but I didn't really feel bad. I just remembered I had a talking sword. I was happy, not guilty.

"Well, I—"

"What about Julian? Did you forget him?" he asked accusingly, pointing his tip at me.

"Well, not really. I mean—"

His blade turned bright red. "You didn't forget him but you forgot me?!"

It took me a long time to calm him down. We were taken into Mr. Booboo's lab, which was in total chaos. You can't imagine how crazy a class will be without a teacher. The whole class was splashing cup noodles at each other. Eden told me this is how people fight at school.

"Throwing cup noodles at each other?" I asked.

"That's stupid," added Poopleheim, who was still mad. If he had had arms, he would have been crossing them.

"You'll see," replied Eden.

At lunch time, Eden and I sat together on the first-floor cafeteria. In the back of the room there was a marble, diamond, golden staircase that led to the cafeteria's second floor, which was much more luxurious than where we were. Apparently, the food was much better also, with magical qualities. I asked, "Why can't we go up to eat on the second floor?"

"Only people that have reached 3-star masters and up can eat on the second floor, or you must have VIP cards or higher to sit there.

"What about MVP++?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, people with those cards can go anywhere except the staff room, but they are very rare," Eden answered.

"Is there another floor after that? An even better floor than 2?

Eden replied, "Well, yeah. There's floor 3."

"Let's go."


"To Floor 3."


And then Eden saw my VIP card, he lost it.

"ASDFGHJKSDFGHJKLSDFGHJRTGHUHNBYUUYTVNYUINGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Eden screamed a bit too loudly.

"I will explain to you later," I said as we walked up the stairs.

Suddenly, a group of teenagers blocked our way, "Losers, give me all your Seldoon Puc stones!"

"Never!" I replied automatically, taking a combative stance and brandishing my sword, as my battle instincts kicked in. "And what is that thing you said?" I asked almost as an afterthought.

"You don't even know this? A Seldoon Puc stone is the core of our magic," the leader of the group, a thin and tall boy, said.

"Oh no, look it's the Kcalb Pucs!" yelled someone from down on the first floor at the sight of the skinny boy and his intimidating friends. Apparently, these bullies had a nickname.

Without warning, the leader disappeared into thin air. Suddenly, I sensed that he was behind me and hacked towards my head with his hand held as if it was an axe. The experience of all the battles in my last life told me that this attack could kill me instantly. I ducked. The leader's hand ripped through the air. I punched his wrist as his hand flew over my head. There was a loud crack, and I could definitely guess his wrist was broken.

"AARRGGGHHH!!!" the leader of the bullies yelled as he started to tremble. He crunched his fist and a long string started to wrap around me.

"What in the name of Hades' butt!" I exclaimed as I summoned Poopeheim out and sliced the long string into pieces. Everyone gasped in amazement at how sharp the sword was. The rest of the group, which was about eight people, charged towards me as I summoned Ms. Soup to help. The fluffy paws of the fluffy cat closed together in a fluffy way as it suddenly turned into a giant fluffy tiger, breaking the fluffy ceiling.

Suddenly, Ms. Soup had grown to the size of a double-decker bus, with golden armor and a glistening helmet. She slammed her right paw down at four of the children and turned them into flat pepperoni, peanut, pineapple pizza pies instantly.

"AAAAHHHH!!!" The rest of the group screamed in horror as they summoned more strings to defend themselves. The strings formed into protective armor, wrapping around their bodies. Ms. Soup clapped and white ghost hands appeared all around the bullies, grabbing them by the neck.

All of a sudden, a light voice boomed in the dining pavilion, "YOU ARE IN DEEP TROUBLE, CAT!" The voice echoed.

I little figure appeared in front of the colossal cat, only it was difficult to make out its features because it moved too quickly. It lifted its arm and outstretched it towards my cat, palm out. Just as the figure was about to hit the cat, it stopped, its hand in midair, like an invisible wall stood between them. Lightning flashed in the sky, and a tie landed on the floor.

Above it, was Jerry the great.


Then, the figure finally stood still, and I could see who it was. It was Harry!

"AMIEL! I thought he was already dead!" exclaimed Harry, his eyes on Jerry.

"What do you mean I'm dead?!" I frowned.

"Y... YOU'RE NOT DEAD! YAY!" Harry shouted, sounding perhaps too pleased. I found that a bit suspicious, but since my memories weren't still 100% back, I wasn't sure why.

I didn't even realize, until after we had eaten, that the bullies had passed out. We didn't have to deal with them, but I had a feeling this wasn't the last time I heard from the Kcalb Pucs.

Lunch was delicious by the way. The cafeteria on the 3rd floor served the most amazing cup noodles ever! I had one mega size bowl of Pickly Puc Noodles, which woke me up and gave lots of energy. For dessert I had another bowl of noodles, only they were made of strawberry-flavored whey protein for ma muscles.

After lunch, I went out to play since we always got some free time then.

Me, Eden, Harry and Jerry wandered around in the school, "Hey Amiel, why don't you go to the arena, you could get famous there." Jerry suggested.

"Why would I get famous there?" I asked.

Jerry explained that after lunch, everyone usually headed out to the arena to fight each other. This way we would be able to find the next best warrior, and they are usually very famous.

I turned to Harry and was somewhat surprised to see he was smiling too, but only with half of his face.

"Okay," as soon as I finished saying those words, we got teleported to the arena.

The arena looked a little like a Roman circus, except the ground was hard white concrete. The stands that surrounded the circular arena could have accommodated one hundred thousand spectators. We appeared right in the middle of the arena, where a fight was already taking place.

Two students I didn't know were dueling in the center. One of them had an axe, the other wielded a sword.

Suddenly, a black figure that seemed to be made out of smoke appeared in front of us. Its blue eyes shone like flood lights, dark and electric blue, and I knew instantly that it wasn't friendly. 

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