CHAPTER 5 - The Chasm

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"Harry, we need to have a talk." I pulled Harry out of the staff room.

Just as I walked out of the building, Harry's face darkened, "I have waited for this moment so long, appear, my lord!"

Just as he finished saying his words, a pure black border surrounded us and a terrible, familiar figure wielding an axe formed in front of us, and I knew I had to face him this time, but the surprise felt like a nuclear bomb exploding in my heart.

"H-Harry, y-you betrayed me!!!" I yelled unbelievably, "W-Why?"

"You've always been the leader of our group, you always get the good stuff, you-" Harry shrieked as an axe pierced right through his heart.

"M-My lord..." Harry croaked, blood spurting out of his chest, tainting the axe crimson.

I stared down at his feet, which started to turn to dust. Quickly, the power that was disintegrating him began to eat him up his legs—his legs were gone! His midriff—his midriff was gone too! Then his shoulders, then his arms. The last thing I saw was horror on his twitching face as he turned to dust.

All of this happened so quickly that my last two brain cells stopped working.

"Harry!" I yelled in grief. Even if Harry had betrayed me, memories of us facing dangers, defeating the Nifleheim giants, having fun, flashed through my mind.

The pure black border disintegrated, allowing thousands of dead zombies and skeletons to crawl out of the ground as a huge chasm formed and puked out even more skeletons and zombies, but all with weapons and armor.

I guess the sound alarmed my friends and 11 figures flashed and appeared. Jerry, Tristan, Julian, Amiya, Ryan, Chris, Peanut Butt, Andrew, Billygoogoojiggy and Max, all my friends stood before me.

"WHO YOU?" Julian thundered.

I have to say, Julian is impressive when he is angry.

"RISE, MY MINIONS!" The Lord of Darkness bellowed in a voice that never in a million years could a human produce.

His cloak billowing in the wind, his skeletal face and deep-black eyes shining like the moon, he raised his double-bladed axe still wet with Harry's blood and yelled, "ATTACK!"

Poopleheim flashed and appeared into my hand as we charged towards our enemy, yelling our battle cry "CUP NOOOOOOODLES!"

I lunged forward, Poopleheim at the ready. The first horde of zombies and skeletons hit me like a tidal wave. I sliced through my enemies' chests as they exploded, gallons of liquidized intestines, bones and green goo all over the floor. But the zombies and skeletons just kept coming out of the ground, like there were infinity of them.

To my right Chris and Ryan were slapping a bunch of zombies with their upgraded iron pans and mosquito swatters. Zombies and skeletons fell left and right, their faces squishy and soft-looking where the pans had hit. Chris and Ryan were laughing maniacally, enjoying the bloodbath as always.

To my left Jerry used his magical tie to rodeo tie a horde of zombies and was in the process of squeezing them to death, like clay being sliced in half by a garotte, gleaming intestines pooling out of their soft bellies, brain water exploding out of their eye sockets. Next to him, Tristan summoned pure black lightning and vaporized another horde of skeletons, but more came out of the chasm and the small cracks on the ground around us.

"My Booboo Laaki!" yelled Andrew, skewering a few zombies with his giant trident and roasting them on a fire nearby. The smell of burnt flesh and sizzling rotten blood hitting our nostrils like anvils to the head.

At first I didn't even notice Julian charging past me, but now that I raised my head and looked up, there he was, facing hundreds of zombies with a furious look on his face. The zombies were forcing him to back up as more and more joined the ranks, closer and closer to the chasm behind him. The magnanimous dark mouth that yawned only a few steps behind Julian looked cold and impossibly black.

"Julian, look behind you!" I yelled, but I was terribly late. I blanched and couldn't even bring myself to scream as I saw Julian tumble backward into the chasm.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I heard Amiya's heartbroken shriek from somewhere behind me, and that was what roused me from my early grief. I thrust forward, killing more zombies and skeletons than I could even count.

Suddenly, only a few seconds after Julian had tumbled in, the chasm mouth closed up. It was as if the horrible abyss had become a gnashing mouth on the ground for the sole purpose of feeding and felt content once it had swallowed up my friend. There was no trace of Julian, nor the opening from whence the zombies had appeared.

The only remnant of Julian's presence was his double-bladed axe, which lay embedded in the ground as if it had been left there on purpose. Nothing else remained. The zombies and skeletons around us had decreased—some of them had been killed, but since the chasm had closed, they had stopped appearing. Only a few of them were still crawling out of the tiny cracks that were still unsealed, but my other friends were seeing to that with terrifying accuracy. Peanut-Butt in particular seemed to be having a blast knocking the heads off the zombies that came out of the crack she was in charge of. She can summon peanuts by the way, I never mentioned this before, but now that I remember, it's pretty cool.

I was so enthralled by Julian's disappearance that I only now did I notice that the Lord of Darkness still stood somewhere nearby. I turned, looking for him in order to settle our score once and for all. Nobody kills two of my friends in one day!

I was not anticipating the look of surprise on the Lord of Darkness's face. It was almost as if he himself had not been expecting that Julian would tumble into the chasm, sealing it completely. Was this not all according to the Lord of Darkness's plan?

The evil dark Lord merely turned his face towards me. He didn't even blink. In a second, he took a deep, angry breath, raised his arm and released a cloud of smoke. In the blink of an eye, he was gone. I let him go, I wasn't in the mood for a chase. I had lost two of my best friends today and we needed to regroup. 

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