CHAPTER 10 - XXXL-Sized Bobby Destroys an Entire Solar System

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(In Another Dimension)

Lightning crackled in the vast darkness of space, planets shattered into pieces. Electricity caused a star to explode, and another to ignite. Waves of heat radiated where the stars had just been. A bolt of lightning pierced through an asteroid the approximate mass of a large rocky planet as easily as poking a balloon with a needle. Two streaks of white light disintegrated several more planets in a row. A humongous figure, five times the size of the sun—yes our sun!—thrashed wildly, its tail smashing a planet into a billion pieces. Doomsday had come to that faraway galaxy!

Two familiar humanoid figures engaged in combat, not against each other, but cooperating to face a greater threat. So familiar in fact, that if Amiel had seen them, he would have died of shock. The figures attacked the gargantuan creature, but it was useless. Herobrine, Luke and a couple of others were desperately trying to keep the creature at bay.

"Meteor Finger!" Luke cried as he shot towards the monster, the power of a mini-galaxy building up in his fingertips.

"RAZOR EYES!" Herobrine boomed as another two streaks of white light aimed to impale the creature's core.

The creature looked almost exactly like Amiel's new pet Bobby, but a trillion times bigger. Instead of only one gold horn sprouting out the top of its head, three of them shimmered in the darkness of space. Two additional spikes sprouted out of its mouth, so they were in fact, tusks. The strips of gold that lined the sides of the horns and tusks became more complicated, more packed together. Two wings, greater than its body, blocked the two streaks of white light easily.

The monster whipped his tail with such force and intensity in the general direction of Luke, that it seemed to cut open a gash in the fabric of space and time itself! The impact of Luke's meteor finger and the monster's tail created such an epicenter of power that it caused the mass and energy of both attacks to eat each other!

The sheer force of the impact of the monster's tail against Luke caused his face to cave in, and he was whiplashed away, crashing and destroying several other planets by accident.

The other fighters that had been there with Luke and Herobrine started to use their own powers, but it was no use. A fiery gash in the monster's stomach began to draw itself and the bright outline of a sphere appeared where the skin broke apart. The sphere contained awesome power and it began to pull things towards it, swallowing whatever came in its path, like a black hole.

From between the group of fighters, man with red hair walked towards the monster. Every step he took, his essence became stronger. At last, almost as powerful as the monster, he came to a halt. One of the creature's planet-sized eyes stared at the man. He, facing the creature, felt a chill down his spine. The man put his hands together, fist over spread palm, a red sphere with a thick black outline expanded, covering him entirely, forming a forcefield. The solar system trembled. The monster howled at the space above him and the battle went on.

Instantly, the red-haired man started to grow, soon, he became the size of a small rocky planet, about the size of Mercury, then into the size of Jupiter, then half of the size of the monster.

The creature's eyes widened, and a streak of golden light, as thick as a planet shattered the forcefield of the red-haired man, igniting an epic explosion. Their outlines appeared bright against the backdrop of white-hot destruction around them, and then, just like that, they were gone. The solar system—the entire solar system—had crumbled to dust. The figures of the brave men who fought the monster and the monster itself were nowhere to be seen. But had they made it out before the explosion, or had they perished within? 

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