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context - Matt and Y/n are dating in secret so they can't openly talk to his brothers about stuff

We were at a party tonight, and for hours I watched y/n dance and talk and laugh with everyone in that house. Why couldn't I do that? Y/N had left me with Chris and Nick in the beginning because I had told her I knew some people there, and she wanted me to have to some time to catch up with them or something. But really , I knew OF people at the party. I wasn't friends with anyone there. And here was y/n, making 20 new friends in one night and taking shot after can after bottle of alcohol, 2 things I could never do.

Y/N was wearing this low cut dress, and I knew people with hit on her , but I didn't realize how many. Guys would offer her their favorite drink, and then ask her out or try to do more. She'd decline and tell them she was "talking to somebody". I was fine with this, we hadn't told anyone we were dating so that was a good way to reject them without follow up questions. 

About 3 hours in, I wanted to leave so bad. I was so mentally exhausted from being around so many people, and watching people flirt with my girlfriend all night. I felt bad asking her to leave but I really couldn't stay anymore. I had already texted Nick and Chris to meet me at the front door. I  walked up to Y/N and saw she was talking with a guy who was looking directly down at her chest. She was looking behind him at the TV playing in the background, so she didn't notice. And I couldn't say anything because I came up with the idea not to tell anyone, especially people we don't know. I tapped her shoulder and she turned around quickly, clearly a little drunk. Surprised it wasn't worse.

" Y/N we're all ready to go now, are you good to leave?" I asked quietly

" Matt you need to try some of this stuff," she slurred, holding up a half empty can of vodka soda."It's so fun. It's really good" Y/N leaned forward a little taking another sip. 

" You're leaving?" the guy she was talking to asked. " Nice to drink with you."

" Matty this is max. I had a few with him tonight. But yeah, we can leave." She smiled and placed her can down on the counter. As we walked through the kitchen to the front door I saw at least 6 different people look down at her, and several girls and guys said goodbye to her. Tall ,fit guys. Y/N just gave them slight smiles or waved before turning around and telling me how she rejected them. Y/N got in the backseat with Chris and I started the drive home. About 10 minutes in she was asleep, and Chris pulled her in to lean on his shoulder. He did that all the time before we were dating and I didn't bother me then. But it did now. through the review mirror I saw Chris put his hand on Y/N's waist and lean his head on hers. 

But I didn't say anything.                                                                                                                                                     I felt insecure. It killed me to watch that happen, but it's not like he kissed her or said anything weird. Plus she was asleep, so it's not like she made the move . I tried not to look in the back seat. However, I did see Nick take pictures of them and post them on his Instagram story. As we rolled up on the curb to our drive way, Y/N woke up and slowly moved off of Chris while rubbing her eyes. We went inside the house and upstairs to my room, after my brothers went into theirs. I changed into grey sweats while Y/N put on black and white pajama pants and a black tank top. She was so pretty and it seemed like I was the only guy that didn't make some kind of move tonight. But i didn't need to , right? I knew she'd reject those random party guys , but I worried about Chris. He liked Y/N, a few months ago.

" Y/N" I said looking her in the eyes.

" Yeah Matt?" She was seated on my bed, looking up at me.

" Please don't leave me for Chris. Or some party guy. I know I don't drink but I can try it if you really want me to. And I'm sorry I made you leave early, I'll stay as long as you want next time, promise. And you know those guys were totally creeping on you right? It's just-" I rambled before Y/N cut me off.

" Matt. I don't care that you don't drink, and I don't want you to because I know your not comfortable with it. I only took drinks from those guys because they were ones I liked, I left them the second they handed it to me. And what do you mean about Chris? He's my best friend and that's all, I swear I've never though of him any differently," She reassured. " And whenever we're out somewhere, the second you want to leave come tell me. I won't want to stay anyway if I know you're not having a good time , okay?" She smiled and continued to look up at me . I was still a little nervous that maybe she was mad now.

" Okay. I'm sorry. I love you." I said sitting down next to her.

" Don't apologize, and I love you too." She wrapped her arms around me and I pulled her into a hug. We have a party on Wednesday, right? If i'm not talking to girls I'm with you, promise."

" What if you're mine the whole time? Just this once. We make make friends together, as 'friends'". I suggested, still hugging her.

"okay" she said softly into my shoulder.

A/N- I like this one lol

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