Y/N and Matt

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 Nobody's Pov

A short conversation had come up in a car video about how y/n was protective over all the triplets, but especially Matt. So here's a few small imagines of that

The triplets and y/n had just finished filming a car video where Nick and Chris complained that he was boring pretty much the whole time.

"Y/N?" Matt had asked " Do you think I'm boring too?

" Matt..." she responded, pulling him into a hug. You're not boring. Don't let your brothers tell you that you are, okay?"



Y/N and the triplets were walking down a path in their neighborhood when Matt recognized a group of guys standing farther down. They all remembered how  a few of the guys in that group used to bully Matt in high school. They made eye contact with the group and were too far in to turn around. With Nick on one side of Matt and y/n on the other, they awkwardly walked past the men who had split onto both sides of the path, watching as they walked by. A man who y/n recognized are Mark Fernago spoke up as they all turned to face him

" Why so quiet , Matthew? I see you're still using your brothers to protect you. You haven't changed since high school," he laughed

" And I hear your still jobless and living in your grandmother's basement, so I guess you haven't changed either," Y/N snapped back, smirking and cocking her head slightly to the side. Mark scoffed and motioned for his group to follow him back down the path. Y/N looked at Matt and smiled. " He had that coming."


Matt and Chris were fighting and pushing each other around as they normally do, but this time Chris pushed Matt too hard and he hit his face of the corner of a cabinet in the kitchen. Y/N, who had been watching from the other side of the kitchen island, stepped in after seeing that Matt was hurt. Chris continued to yell back at Matt over whatever they were arguing about 

" Ok fuck off Chris. We fucking get it." She stared him down until he backed off, and gave a weak apology before walking up the stairs 

" Are you okay Matt?" You're going to have a black eye soon, so lets get you fixed up alright?"

"I'm okay, really. But thanks," Matt smiled back

Matt and Chris Sturniolo imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now