Baby fever-Chris

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Y/N Pov 

Chris and I were taking a walk to the store and we were passing a playground along the way. We were stopped along the path for a little girl who had run in front of us chasing after one of her toys. I almost tripped on her too, but I stopped really quickly and took a step back to stop myself from falling. The girl was so unfazed, and she just looked up at us gave a little smile. Her mother came over and picked her up and carried her back to the park when she turned around and waved to us.

"Bye byeee-" She babbled. I waved to her and smiled to her mom after she saw me. There were so many cute kids running around the park, and a few of the older ones, maybe 6 or 7, stopped me and Chris and asked to show us a "castle" they had made out of the rocks and sticks they found. We listened to their little tour of their creation and then kept walking. 

" They're so cute I can't," I squealed to Chris. He had stayed pretty quiet the whole time, really only looking at me while I was talking. 

" Y/N?" He spoke up. " Do you wants kids?"

" Oh-" I was caught off guard with this. " I mean maybe in a few years. If I'm with the right person." I said , nudging his arm. Chris's face lit up with a bright smile. " Do you want kids with me?" He asked. "Eventually, yes." I grinned. 

Chris continued to talk about kids the entire walk. " We'd get to take them to school and sports and watch them grow up and see their friends and teach them things, and do you need teach them how to swim? Because I'd really want my kids to know how to swim. Ooh, what should we name them? I really want a boy because I don't know how to raise a girl. So maybe Christian. We can call him Chris!" The rant went on for a solid ten minutes and I barely said a word. I was fine letting Chris go on about it because I knew we weren't having children immediately. 

The only thing I knew is that if I was going to do it with anyone, I'd do it with my boyfriend. Actually, the only other thing I know is that I definitely want a girl. Maybe we can name her Christina or something. 

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