Fan Fics Video- Chris

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A/N- They're filming a Youtube video where they're reading fan fics about Y/N. This is sort of just them commenting as Nick reads it. Slanted is Nick's reading (slanted) .

Nobody's Pov

"Shut up Matt I need to do an intro!" Chris yelled at his brother. " Today we're reading fan fictions that people write , part 4, but today we're reading the ones about Y/N," Chris explained , motioning to y/n who was sitting in the back. We're doing this by popular request. 

" And I found a really good one," Nick said excitedly. " Let's start."

There was about 5 minutes of reading about Y/N and her boyfriend Oliver, who was not super great. Long story short, she goes to the  Sturniolo's house to talk to one of them about her soon-to-be ex boyfriend. 

"I knew there was one friend I could always count on, especially when Oliver was being like this. I got in my car and drove to his house , arriving quickly as they lived close by."

"Who's it going to be?" Matt smirked and looked at Chris, who grinned back. 

" I walked up the front steps , but before I could even knock, Chris opened the door. I was startled a little bit, but Chris grabbed my hands and pulled my inside so we could talk. ' It's Oliver, isn't it. what did he do this time?' I told Chris about everything, like the lying and the sneaking around, and he grew angrier as I went on."

Chris's face lit up at the initial reveal of the friend being him , and not Matt. Secretly, he really hoped people thought him and Y/N would be good together.

" I then broke the new that I was going to dump Oliver the next chance I got, which would probably be in the morning, since it was 1 am and I had stormed out of the house 15 minutes ago. That seemed to bring Chris's mood back up, and he looked at me happily. 'Really? For real this time?' He asked, taking a seat on the couch. 'Yeah, I'm done with him being an ass all the time,' I say as I roll my eyes and sit down next to him."

Y/N and Chris exchanged a look and laughed under their breath and the story that was likely never going to happen. " A smile spread across Chris's face-" Chris acted out a creepy smile 'spreading across his face,' which made the group laugh. "'What?' I ask him as he places his hands over mine, which are resting on my legs. ' You can finally be mine,' he replied. 'Let's be honest. I was always yours.' I whisper , as we-"

"Oh God I can't read this," Nick said placing his hands on top of his head.

"Is it bad?" Y/N asked , partially covering her eyes with her fingers. " No it- it's about my brother and my best friend so it's a little hard to read." Nick explained sarcastically. 

" I'll take over," Matt offered, eager to see where this was going.

"Where were we- oh, I see." "I was always yours , I whisper as we lean in close. Chris puts his hands on the sides of my face and neck and our lips connect. I kiss him deeply for a few seconds before pulling away.' You should break up with him now', Chris says, smiling. ' He can wait,' I respond, kissing him again." Matt grimaces and him and Nick both pretend to throw up. Chris is blushing like crazy and Y/N is smiling down at the floor. 

" Happy hookup, Y/N," Chris turns to the back seat with his hand out. Y/n looks up and shakes his hand. " Did I cheat on my boyfriend?" she asks Matt. 

" Yeah... sounds like it." Matt replies, looking back through the story. "So? I'm better than him anyways," Chris brags, still holding onto Y/N's hand. 

" You good there, Chris?" Nick asks, looking down at their hands and at Chris's reddened face. He lets her go and turns to the front without saying anything. Matt gives a quick outro before shrieking into the camera. The 4 talk for a few minutes in the parking lot before driving home. Y/N was staring at the back of Chris's head through the seat the whole time. She actually thought the story was pretty cute, but she didn't know how he felt about it. Meanwhile, Chris was thinking the same thing. 

It was pitch black outside when they arrived home, pulling into the driveway. Nick and Matt both left the car fairly quickly, since Nick had to use the bathroom and Matt's phone was on 1%. Y/N and Chris both stepped out of the same side of the car and remained on the driveway to talk.

" Good video huh?" Y/N grinned. "People love the fan fiction videos."

" Yeah. I actually liked the storyline this time," Chris replied.

"  I forgot, I have to go break up with my boyfriend now, he's probably waiting for me," Y/N joked, referring to her fake boyfriend from the story. Chris stepped in really close and placed his lips on Y/N's lingering for a few moments before pulling back. 

" Leave him waiting," he joked back. Y/N looked into his eyes and smiled. She glanced down at his lips before they both leaned into each other again, only able to see from the light of the moon. 

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