Moving too slow- Chris

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Context- You and Chris have been dating for about 6 months now. You're best friends with Nick and Matt.

Y/N Pov

Chris and I were sitting on the couch watching Too Hot to Handle, and Chris had gotten up to get a drink. His phone buzzed next to me and I saw that he had gotten a text from Nick, who was upstairs.

 < We can talk now, if you want>. 

I looked back at the screen and pretended I didn't see it until Chris came back and checked it himself. 

"I'll be right back, Nick just needs some help with editing," Chris explained. The last video they needed to edit was posted earlier today. They hadn't filmed Friday's video yet. After I was sure Chris  was in Nick's room, I followed up the stairs after him. I know I shouldn't listen in on their conversations, but I wanted to know what Chris needed to talk about that he couldn't share with me. I stood outside Nick's door and listened.

" I don't know Nick. What if she wants to move faster then what we are right now? She's dated people before and I haven't and I'm still figuring a lot of things out. But y/n already has them figured out." What was Chris talking about? I didn't tell him we weren't moving fast enough, because I didn't think that

"Chris, I guarantee you she doesn't think that. She likes you , and she knows this is your first relationship, so I'm sure she understands that you might be moving a little slower. But if you really want to know, just ask her," Nick replied calmly.

" I know , I know. I just don't want to fuck this up."

"What do you mean?"

" Like I don't want her to leave me."

That broke my heart to hear. How could Chris think I would ever leave him? I crept away from his door and back downstairs. Should I tell Chris that i heard what he said, or wait for him to ask? I still didn't understand what they meant by not moving fast enough. What did Chris think I wanted? A few minutes later my thoughts were interrupted by Chris coming back downstairs  and sitting down next to me on the couch. He stayed silent for a few seconds before pausing the TV and turning to look at me . I decided not to make him walk back through that whole conversation, so I spoke before he could.

" Chris I'm happy with our relationship the way that it is. I know this is your first and I totally respect that, and you're doing great.  And I'm never going to leave you, I swear." Chris remained silent again, looking into my eyes. 

"Okay." He nodded. " I just love you ."

"I love you too Chris. More than anything."

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