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Flirty friendship things they do

Chris -

- Constantly picking you up, throwing you around, carrying you 

- He stands close behind you with his hands on your shoulders and looks down at you

- He always stays near you at parties and laughs with you when guys try weird pick up lines

-  You borrow clothes from him and he takes pictures whenever you wear one of his sweaters

- He's always grabbing you hands or arms and taking you somewhere

- You go on lots of sunset walks together, with Nick and Matt sometimes too


- You have mini food fights whenever your cooking or baking together

- He teases you about your height and always reminds you that he's taller 

-  He'll lean on your shoulder and watch tiktok off your phone 

-  He asks you to meet him in the kitchen in the middle of the night so you can talk alone

- He find TV shows he knows you'll like so you can watch them together

-  You find different tiktoks and dances to film together

Matt and Chris Sturniolo imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now