Addiction Part 2- Matt

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Where we left off-

I walked up the stairs and swallowed another pill. "I have everything under control," I thought to myself.

I had just spent the last 25 minutes reading warning labels and I had decided there was definitely nothing to worry about. Most of them said do not take if you're pregnant, on prescribed medications, dying, whatever. And I wasn't any of those. I started to walk back down the stairs, which I didn't really want to do, but I had forgotten my phone down there. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard the triplets talking in low voices. I couldn't always tell who was who, but I could heard them really clearly.

" Well what am I supposed to do about it?"

" You're her boyfriend , Matt. She'll maybe listen to you better."

" No she won't."

" Do you know anything about addictions bro?"

" Um no , why would I?"

" Guys stop fighting."

" We're not"

" You're just being annoying."

"Oh shut up."

I hated listening to them argue over me. They shouldn't be mad at each other over this. I fake coughed to let them know I was coming and then walked down the rest of the stairs. I was met with 3 stares instead.

" Y/n.. come with us." Matt said, gently pulling my arm back up the stairs. I tried to protest and at least grab my phone, but I guess I didn't try very hard. They lead me into the bathroom where I had stupidly left all the bottles and boxes out. Chris fumbled through all of them, reading the names.

" Did you take any of those?" Matt asked.

" ...Yeah. All of them, why?"

" We're going to read the labels with you and then go from there alright?" I nodded, hoping to speed this along a little. I didn't tell them I already knew exactly what they said.  

" Okay, Advil Cold and Sinus," Nick read off a red and white bottle. " Oh. This one's expired 3 months." I raised my eyebrows. " Oh just toss it then," I replied.

" The fever one is too," Chris claimed, holding up a larger bottle. They placed them both in the trash can and exchanged a " you've got to be kidding me" look. 

We went through a few more and one of them turned out to be a children's medicine, the allergy one. That explains why it wasn't working. Matt told them to throw that one out as well, since there were no kids coming into the house. I watched in silence with Matt by my side as Nick and Chris read the daily dose for each medication, and then left only that amount in the box or bottle. They put the rest into a small container and Nick went to hide it in, I assume, his or Chris's bedroom. Chris dipped out and shut the door behind him , leaving me and Matt to talk. 

" Y/n, half the pills you took were expired, or you took quadruple the safe amount. You could have gotten really sick, and honestly I don't care what you think you can take, you can't do this anymore. We don't want to see anything happen to you, because we really love you. I really love you." Matt's advice really hit me. I didn't know about all the expired stuff, otherwise I wouldn't have taken it. I opened my mouth but didn't say anything, and Matt didn't either. After about a minute of silence, I spoke up. 

" Okay Matt, I promise. Only the right dose from now on. Just don't let me take more than that, and I wont," I explained to him.  Matt gave me a weak smile and tightened his grip on both my hands. I returned the smile and we walked out of the bathroom, hand -in- hand, to see Nick and Chris waiting for us.

" Where'd you put my pills?" I teased.

" No way. That's top secret," Nick answered, crossing his heart with his finger. 

Chris put both his hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. " No more medicines alright? None of us want to see you sick," He stated seriously. I nodded and we all headed back downstairs, just to hang out together. I felt a lot of love and support from them, and I truly hoped that they knew how grateful I was for their friendship. I just wasn't ready to tell them that right now; it had been a long day.

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