Get your girl- Chris

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Chris POV

I'm downstairs waiting for my bestfriend, Y/N to come home. She lives with me and my brothers, and she's out for groceries right now. I would have gone with her, but I was asleep when she left. Recently, I had wanted to be with her every second of the day. I felt so lonely when I wasn't with her, even if I was with other people. I was finding new things online to show Y/N and talking to her about anything I could. I even made some excuse about a "movie night" with her and my brothers so that I could be next to her all night. I'm sure you've guessed that I like Y/N. I love her so much, but I haven't told her that. I haven't told anyone, not even Matt and Nick, mainly because they figured it out on their own. Now I was just missing Y/N, and I was waiting for her to return. 

" Hey Chris," I turned around to see Matt and Nick coming down the stairs into the basement where my bedroom is. They both came into my room and stood in front of my bed. " You need to talk to Y/N tonight."

"About what?" I asked, confused.

" Dude, you need to tell her you like her," Matt declared. " No, I can't," I frowned. " Not tonight"

" Let's face it , Chris. Y/N's pretty and smart and she's pretty social. She's going to find someone soon because you haven't made any real moves yet. If you don't be honest with her you're not going to have a chance ," Nick said sternly.

" I can't Nick. What if she doesn't like me back? We live together and it would be so awkward. I don't want to loose the relationship we have," I replied.

"Think about it like this," Matt said. " If you don't say anything then obviously you won't date Y/N. Well she'll find a boyfriend , who will start coming over here to hangout more and more. How do you think he's going to feel about her sleeping in a house with a guy that clearly likes her? He'll probably talk to her about it and then she'd take his side and then your friendship is going to be affected." 

" Wow, you really thought about that one , didn't you?" Nick asked Matt. Matt shrugged. " We're just trying to say that you can't let her go, because you're good for each other." We heard a small slam and all looked up the stairs, knowing Y/N had just returned home. We heard her yell our names and ask us to come help her unload the bags. 

" Go get your girl," Matt smiled and patted my back. I nodded and walked up the stairs. Y/N was in the kitchen putting things away in the fridge and cabinets. There were only a few lights on which left the room dimly lit, as it was dark out and there was no daylight. I stepped into the light a little more until she saw me.

" Oh hey, Chris, can you help me out a little? I can't reach the top shelf to put this stuff away." she laughed.  I laughed back and started to put away the food when I remembered what my brothers said. I looked over at Y/N, the girl who just went out and bought food for us to share, in the house that we share, and I realized that I really didn't want to loose her.

" Hey , can I talk to you about something?" I said nervously. Y/N put down the cartons she was holding and looked at me. " Of course. What's up?"

" I just wanted to get this over with because it's something I've been thinking about for a little while, but I really like you," I say in one breath. " And I know you have a ton of options and I don't want to lose you or what we have to anyone." She continued to look at me with a blank expression that I couldn't read. 

" Chris I-," her face suddenly broke into a smile. " I like you too, a lot. I just didn't want to make the first move , to be honest." I grinned and stepped closer to her. " You can thank my brothers. I was way to nervous to do it before they talked to me."                                                                                         " Am I the only one that didn't know you liked me?" she laughed.

I put one of my hands on the side of her face and the other on her waist. She put her arms over my shoulders and put her hands on the back of my neck as I stared into her eyes. " You should listen to the them more," she said softly as we both leaned into each other. We kissed softly and I felt of weird wave of energy rush over me. I had never kissed a girl like this before, or dated anyone. In this moment, I was excited, but I wasn't nervous. I couldn't be nervous around Y/N, because I knew as long as I was with her, everything would be okay,

A/N- Heyy if you like this part, please vote and comment, it helps me out a lot.

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