Followed- Chris

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context- you and Chris are dating in this one. 

y/n pov

I was over at a friend's house a few blocks away from the house i shared with Chris, my boyfriend, and his brothers. Around 10pm I decided to walk home instead of making someone drive me around. It was only a  15 minute walk, maybe 20 since it was dark out. I turned onto a pathway that had very few lights when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see a man walking maybe 30 feet back. I didn't think much of it until I checked again a few minutes later and saw that he was much closer to me than before. That's when I pulled out my phone and called Chris

Pick up, Chris

Chris POV

Y/N was at a friend's house tonight, but 10 minutes ago she texted me that she was walking home. I wasn't a fan of that idea, since it was dark out and there had been some minor crimes reported in our area. I tried texting her again, saying that we didn't mind picking her up, but I didn't get a response. I picked up my phone to check the time and saw that I had an incoming call from Y/N, so i answered it .

" Hey babe where ar-" I started before being cut off 

" Chris just keep talking, okay? There's this guy and I think he's following me." She said, barely even whispering.

" Yeah I'm like 10 minutes away, I'm passing 17th street right now . I told you I was walking right?" she said much louder this time. I could tell she was trying to let the guy know that people knew where she was and when she should be back. Y/N had done this a couple times before when she thought people were following her , so I knew how to play along.

" Okay sounds good. What do you want to do once you get here ? The wifi's kind of out right now so we can't post or watch anything." I was making useless conversation until I heard y/n speaking to someone else

" Sir you can go around me. Are you following me or something?" My heart dropped and I heard a deeper voice say something I couldn't quite make out.

" What is your problem? Seriously, leave me alone I don't fucking know you." Y/N's voice became more panicked. Once again the man said something I didn't understand.

" What?? No!" Y/N yelled before the call went silent. She hadn't hung up, but there was no noise coming through. I started to panic and I paced around my living room desperately waiting for a response. 

" Y/N? Are you there? Are you okay, what happened?" I yelled. Just then, the front door opened and y/n quickly got inside before shutting and locking it behind her . She was breathing heavy  with tears in her eyes. 

"Are you okay? What happened?" I asked again, walking up to her.

" This guy, he was just getting really close to me and he wasn't making any sense. I told him to fuck off and it was like he was on drugs or speaking a different language or something. He tried to grab my arm and I just ran home." She explained. I wrapped my arms around her as she started to cry.  " Sorry, Chris. It wasn't even that big of a deal, he just scared me."

" No, don't apologize. Just please, call me for a ride next time? I don't want anything to happen to you, " I said , still holding her tightly 

"Promise," she replied softly.

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