Enemies to Lovers- Chris

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Y/N Pov

My two best friends, Matt and Nick, are triplets with another brother named Chris. I ignore him, but I could never forget about him because he hates me. Since I first started hanging out with the boys years , ago Chris was never nice to me, so I was never nice to him. We'd give each other dirty looks and fight over anything that came up. Nick and Matt hated it and they always tried to keep as apart, they got so annoyed whenever we fought. Recently though, it seemed like they stopped trying to keep us separate. Whenever we were downstairs, upstairs, going for a drive, going out to dinner, Chris was always there. He'd make comments about my clothes or answers to questions. He found every opportunity to annoy me or embarrass me in public . Last week, he even scoffed and smirked when Matt told me to go ask this cute guy for his number. I heard Chris mutter something under his breath, something like " as if he'd give it to you." I couldn't stand to be around him, but of course I had to be tonight. The boys and I were hosting a smaller party at their house and obviously Chris was going since he lived there too. 

About an hour in, it was going well, there were more people than we expected, but everyone was having a good time. I hadn't spoken to Chris, I saw him looking at me a few times but I never looked back. I wasn't about to give him any chances to be a brat. I was in the kitchen getting myself a drink when one of my girlfriends called me into the living to play spin the bottle with a bunch of guys I didn't know. I was fine with it, since I'd never see any of them again. I took a seat in the circle on the floor. Just as we were about to spin, guess who sat right across from me? Chris. I glared at him and he just smiled back all cocky. The music was up and I tried to enjoy myself, laughing along with the first few spins. I hadn't kissed anyone by the time it was my turn. I gently spun the glass bottle and watched it intently until it slowed down to a stop, pointing directly at Christopher Sturniolo. 

My mouth dropped slightly open and I looked to the only girl I knew. She looked back at me with wide eyes while the rest of the players stared at me, waiting for me to make the move. I really didn't want to kiss the boy who hated me more than anyone, but I also didn't want to be the only person to mess up the fun, and to back out of the only kiss I had to do so far. I sighed deeply and shifted into the center of the circle towards Chris, who had already moved closer. I was stalling , still thinking of an excuse to make, when Chris quickly put his hands on the sides of my neck over my hair  ( *I hope you know what I mean*) and kissed me. I was shocked and I didn't move until he pulled away, a solid 5 seconds later. The group cheered and somebody slid the bottle to the person next to me. I backed up and stared at Chris, utterly confused, while he was already watching the next girl take her turn. That didn't mean anything, right? It was just for the game, and he wanted to get it over with. Maybe he was waiting for me to pull away, the way I was waiting for him? The thing is, I wasn't sure if I really did stay still because I was surprised. I think maybe... I wanted to kiss Chris. I stood up and backed out of the circle, careful not to disrupt anyone, and went back to the kitchen I got myself as glass of water. When I turned around, Chris was standing at the island behind me.

" Jeez- you have to stop scaring me like that," I  told him.

" You need to stop scaring so easily," he answered.  I rolled my eyes and stood in front of the sink. "So we're just going to ignore what just happened?" He asked.

" Nothing happened. We were playing a game."

" You kissed me," he said, tilting his chin  up.

" YOU kissed me. I was going to back out."

"Okay, fine. You still let me do it ."

" Whatever, it doesn't change anything."

" C'mon, don't make it seem like nothing because we used to hate each other."

I put my glass down and turned to face him. " What do you mean used to?"

" I don't hate you, Y/N," he said softly, taking my hands in his. I narrowed my eyes but didn't move away. " Yes you do. You're always rude to me." I looked into his eyes for a few seconds until he lifted my chin up so our faces met, and he brought his voice to a whisper. " I'd like to change that," he said and he leaned in to kiss me again. This time,  I leaned back in, deepening the kiss. We pulled apart a few seconds later and my gaze softened as I looked up at him. 

" I love you , Y/N. I have for a long time, but I knew you didn't like me so I tried to push you away. I should've told you way before I said all that stuff, but I never meant any of it. You're so pretty and I love the way you talk and laugh get along with my brothers. I'm sorry I never told you that. Can we just start fresh, please?" he didn't seem quite as confident now, and I actually felt a lot of sympathy for him. 

" Chris... I like you too. I can even explain why, really." I laughed nervously. " Let's do it, let's start fresh," I agreed squeezing his hand. He grinned widely and I smiled back. 

" I don't even remember why I started hating you," I said.

" Me neither. But I remember why I started loving you," he replied back.

A/N Hey-- this one was written kind of fast so sorry if it does seem rushed. 
Please comment down below if you want me to do any kind of marriage or proposal imagines and with who. Thanks :)

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