Marry Montage- Both

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-One- Chris

I was laying in bed text to my boyfriend Chris, just  typing on my computer. I had a ton of work to do and I felt bad because I had barely talked to him all day. Chris wasn't on his phone or anything, he was laying on my shoulder watching me type, and then he just stared at me for a few minutes. I stopped what I was doing and turned my head as he looked up at me.

" You okay?" I asked

" I could marry you tomorrow," he said out of nowhere. I was surprised by this and didn't respond. " I'd marry you tomorrow. We could do it, too, just run off and get married. We don't even need a wedding," he explained, sounding legit.

" I'd marry you too, Chris. But not tomorrow, we're not ready yet," I said, trying not to hurt his feelings. He looked back at my computer and leaned his head on my arm.

"I'm ready," he whispered under his breath.

-Two- ( You're all friends but Matt likes you)

Me, Matt, Chris, and Nick were answering questions in a q/a car video for their Friday post.

" If your significant other proposed to you right now, would you say yes?" Nick read off of his phone.  " Well none of us are in relationships right now so," Chris answered.

" Yeah, I don't know who I'd be marrying," I laughed back.

" I would marry you," Matt stated quietly without looking up from his phone. We all stared at him in silence until Chris looked at me with wide eyes. I returned the look and shrugged. 

" YOU LIKE Y/N?" Nick exclaimed. He didn't respond but I could see Matt smiling through the rear view mirror.

-Three- Chris

Today was the day I was going to ask my girlfriend Y/N to marry me. We had just gone out to her favorite restaurant, and now we were walking to our spot, a little clearing in the trees on the side of this really big hill that overlooked a small forest and a bunch of little ridges. It was really pretty up there, and the sun was setting too. I was incredibly nervous, and I was biting the nails on the hand Y/N wasn't holding. We finally got to the clearing and sat on a cluster of big, flat rocks that was there. I convinced Y/N to look the other way so I could " take pictures of her". She turned her head away from me as I quickly pulled the ring box out of my pocket, which took maybe 10 seconds.

" Are they good?" Y/N asked. I took a deep breath before telling her they were. She turned back around and saw me on one knee, holding the open ring box. Her mouth dropped open and she covered it with both her hands. Her eyes started to well up and I could barely speak.

" Will you marry me, Y/N?"

" Wait are you being serious?" she asked again, and I nodded, getting a little worried.
" Of course I'll marry you!" she squealed. My heart jumped and she started to cry. I slipped the ring onto her finger and hugged her tightly. 

" I know we're young, but I don't want to wait because I know you're the person I'm supposed to be with," I explained excitedly. 

" I love you so much," she whispered, pulling me into another hug. We walked back home, hand in hand, planning how we were going to tell Nick and Matt. I hadn't even told them I was proposing on the off chance she said no.

- Wedding details!-

Venue- either in California, or Italy or Romania for a destination wedding

Venue- either in California, or Italy or Romania for a destination wedding

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Matt's groomsmen- Chris and Nick

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Matt's groomsmen- Chris and Nick

Your bridesmaids- Your best friend and a sister or cousin you're really close with

Season- in the spring, not during rainy season

Colors/ theme

Colors/ theme

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- You definitely have a party/ reception after 

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- You definitely have a party/ reception after 

- Lots of friends, only close family and cousins (if you have any that are like your friends/siblings)

-  Shortish honeymoon in a tropical resort of some kind

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