Thought you liked him - Matt

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context- You and Matt are dating. You're best friends with Chris

Chris's POV

I was laying in my bed trying to fall asleep when someone knocked on my bedroom door. I check the time on my phone, which read 2:08 am. " Come in," I said quietly. Y/n, my best friend, opened the door. Her room was in the basement, and mine was on the main floor, so normally she just texts me when she wants to talk. " Hey y/n what's up," I said sitting up.

" I just wanted to talk to you , about Matt," she said closing the door behind her.

" Oh? What did he do?" I asked, confused.

" Do you think he's going to break up with me? I feel like he's almost been mad at me recently and just like a little more distant? I don't know maybe I'm imagining this but what do you think?"

" Honestly, I've noticed that. I don't think he's going to break up with you but it's kind of weird. He sometimes gets annoyed when people asks questions about you guys dating. Like he doesn't want to talk about it, I guess?" Y/n and I talked for a few more minutes and I tried to reassure her that I didn't think Matt was going to break up with her.

" Should I talk to him about it?" she asked, right before my bedroom door opened swiftly to reveal Matt, standing in the doorway. " Yeah, maybe," he replied angrily.

" Sorry , Matt, I was just asking Chris what he thought. You've seemed angry at me recently and I don't know why," she explained. " Wow, you actually noticed. I didn't think you would since you've been spending so much time with him," Matt said sarcastically, motioning to me.

" Matt, I've been spending time with Chris because you haven't... been super nice to me this week."

" Yeah, well I was pretty sure you liked my brother at this point so," Matt said rolling his eyes. " What?" we both asked, surprised. "Don't give me that. You'd rather hang out with Chris, be with him, talk to him. I see you two together." Matt was getting even madder now.

"Matt, don't come in here and accuse us of stuff. We were friends before you two even tolerated each other , we're allowed to have our own relationship and conversations," I stated, standing up. Y/N spoke up, trying to calm Matt down.

" Look Matt, I'm sorry I-"

" Don't apologize to him, Y/N. We didn't do anything wrong," I cut her off, keeping my eyes on Matt. 

" Don't talk to my girlfriend," Matt said, almost yelling, pushing me hard with both hands.

Y/N Pov

Matt pushed Chris, hard, and he went into the wall. They started to yell and argue even louder. I barely ever saw them get like this, and I wasn't sure what to do without Nick here, but he was at a friend's for the night. I accidentally zoned out for a couple seconds, but before I knew it, things had gotten rougher. Chris had continued to tell Matt how he was acting crazy, and then Matt just swung at him. Punched him right in the face. My hands rose to my mouth as we stood there in silence. Chris held the side of his face that was slowly reddening as Matt made no effort to help him. 

" Matt!" I yelled. " Oh my god, you're done. Come with me." I grabbed his wrist and dragged him out into the bathroom across the hall. I glanced back at Chris quick and made eye contact, to make sure he was okay. I pulled Matt into the bathroom and closed the door. 

" What the fuck Matt? You can't hit people like that , especially not your family. And is that what your problem's been all week? You think I like Chris more than you?" I questioned.

" No, I thought you liked Chris," he mumbled back.

" Well no, I don't. He's my best friend and that's it. I love you, and you should know that. And you never should have yelled at him like that, or hit him, because it's totally going to bruise for a few weeks now." I crossed my arms and look at him with serious eyes. His face softened a bit and I could tell he was really realizing what he did.

" Shit, I- I know. I'm really sorry okay? I just got jealous and then I started to read too much into nothing. Can you forgive me?" he pleaded.

" Apologize to Chris. Make sure he's okay, and then yes, I'll forgive you. Just talk to me okay? And not like that. Anger doesn't suit you." I gave him a soft smile and moved away from the door so he could go check on his brother. 

" I love you too," he said, without turning back.

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