Arguing- Chris

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A/N- y/n and Chris are dating 

Warning- Swearing

I don't know what was up with Chris today but he had been getting mad at everyone all day. Matt and Nick had tried to talk to him but he just wasn't listening. I was trying not to take anything he said personally because I knew he was probably just tired. Right now , were all in the car filming a video. I don't even remember what the topic of the video was because we kept talking about the most random things. Well 3 of us were talking , at least. Chris had barely said anything the entire video and he was just scrolling on his phone. I texted him and asked if he was okay for like the 1000th time today and again I barely got an answer.

> Hey. Are you okay?<

< Can you stop asking me that>

> Ok sorry<

--read 11:48 pm--

"Chris are you going to say anything or just sit there the whole time?" Nick said and we all turned to look at Chris 

" Shut up Nick. You're just annoying and I don't feel like talking right now," he replied.

" And you get mad at me for being quiet," Matt said under his breath.

" Because I'm not talking for ONE video Matt. You never say anything interesting and them you act all sad and confused when people call you boring." Matt looked at the floor and didn't respond. I can't believe Chris just said that too him.

" Chris we're just trying to make sure you're alright since you normally love to talk during the car videos-" I started to explain before he cut me off.

" Oh my god, shut up y/n. I'm fine and I've told you that a million times today. I'd be better if you stopped treating me like a fucking child because it's so fucking annoying. I seriously can't deal with you right now." I flinched a little since Chris has never yelled at me before.

" Are you saying I should treat you like an adult because you're so fucking mature? Adults don't scream at people who are trying to help them," I snapped back, opening the back door of the car and stepping out.

" Where are you going y/n?" I heard him say before I slammed the door and walked off. It was dark out , but I knew the way back to the house. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Nick that I'd see him at home, but I just needed some space from Chris, so he didn't worry. I also apologized for leaving the video half way, but I don't think they'll post this one anyway.

Chris POV

Shit. Why did I say that? I'd been mad all day because the wifi wasn't working and I had gotten zero sleep last night.  Almost everything was annoying me and I had no patience for anything. But I should never have said that to her, or to my brothers. 

" Fuck, I'm sorry guys," I say turning to them. " I just can't film today. Can we try again tomorrow?"

" Yeah of course Chris. It's okay, just talk to us next time maybe before we film?" Nick said.

" Okay. And you're not boring Matt, I'm sorry."

Matt finally looked at me and smiles slightly. " It's okay. But I think y/n's pretty mad at you."

I totally forgot that she was walking home. I don't care that she's mad at me right now , because we're in sort of a sketchy part of the city and it's not safe for her to be outside alone. I turned and looked out the window and down the sidewalk, but she wasn't there.

" Do you know where was going? Probably home right?" I asked, getting worried. It would take about half an hour to walk back home, so it would be past midnight and she'd still be walking. I pulled out my phone and called her twice, and it went straight to voicemail. I got Matt to call her once, and it rang all the way through, but she still didn't answer. 

" Why don't we just go home, okay? She'll be there eventually," Matt suggested, putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and Matt turned on the car and started to drive. I was watching out the window the whole drive in case y/n was walking on the sidewalk along the road, but I didn't see her. There was a few other people out, a lot of taxi's and a couple city busses, but that's it.  When we pulled into the driveway Matt told me to go check if she was in the house yet, and if she wasn't then we'd go look around a bit. I jogged up the front steps and opened the front door, still really worried. 

But thankfully, when I walked into the kitchen I saw y/n sitting at the kitchen island on her phone. She looked up slightly and saw me, and then looked back down without saying anything. I pulled out a chair and sat down next to her, but she still didn't look back up.

" Y/N, I'm really, really sorry. I didn't mean what I said , you're not annoying, I was just having a bad day and I said some stuff I shouldn't have. I really appreciate that you were checking on me and I should have just told you what was happening. I'm sorry." She turned off her phone and hugged me and stayed silent for a couple seconds.

" I know you're sorry Chris. It's okay." I hugged her tightly and we stayed there for a few solid minutes before pulling apart.

" But uh.. how'd you get home so quick?" I asked

She smiled and took a bus ticket out of her pocket.

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