Just Friends? - Matt

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Y/N pov

Recently, I had been seeing way more ship edits of me and Matt on my for you page. People were commenting on my posts with him, asking if we were dating, which we weren't. it came up again in today's car video the boys asked me to film with them. We were doing a Q&A.

" Are Y/N and Matt together?" Chris had read the question from his phone

" Haha no, were not. We're just friends" I replied.

I looked into the driver's seat at Matt who was staring at the floor and he looked almost... sad? Or maybe dissapointed? There's no way he thought of us as more than friends, he had never mentioned anything to me about liking me. We wrapped up the video without anymore weird questions and Matt drove us all back home. I was about to head upstairs when Matt asked me to come into his room.

I walked in and we both sat on his bed. I was nervous and I wasn't sure why.

" Did you mean what you said?" He asked,  breaking the silence.

" What do you mean?"

" That were just friends. Did you mean that?" Where was he going with this?

" I guess, yeah. We've never talked about being more than that."

" Then let's talk about it . I like you Y/N, and I want to try to be more with you . I know you probably don't see me like that but we can make it work, right?" Matt looked at me hopefully.

" Matt, I like you too." I smiled at him. " I have forever, I just never though that you'd consider being more than friends, so I've been ignoring it .

" Will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?" he asked, holding my hands in his.

" I'd love to."

A/N- I kind of don't like this one but whatever

Matt and Chris Sturniolo imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now