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It was only supposed to be one drink after work but you know how it can be.

Work had been rough lately, and most of my friends and close colleagues were with their families.

The holiday season was in full swing.

People were shopping for presents and having massive get-togethers with delicious spreads of homemade favorite foods.

I was in a bar drinking whiskey and soda.

One drink turned into two, two turned into three and just when I was about to slosh out into the snowy street to hail a cab, he walked in.

My head turned so fast that I swore I heard my neck pop and I couldn't believe I lost my composure like that.

Even for someone so utterly devastating.

The Omega was the most stunning I'd ever seen.

My heart pounded and blood pumped to my cock at the same time, It wasn't just his angelic face or soft, curly blond hair.

There was almost a glow about him.

In fact, if I hadn't been sitting in a crappy bar a few blocks from my office, I'd have sworn he was an angel.

What an angel would be doing in a place like that, I had no idea.

It wasn't the shittiest bar that I'd ever been to but if he'd been my Omega, I would have taken him somewhere far nicer.

I thought that perhaps if I played my cards right, he'd let me take him somewhere nicer at least once.

"Can I get you another or would you still like to close out your tab?" the bartender asked me when I hadn't yet signed the receipt and handed him back his pen.

The place wasn't packed and he couldn't have been in a hurry.

I figured he was just trying to provide excellent service.

"You know what, I will have another Thank you."

"Make it a vodka martini with a big twist." I said and pushed my card back across the bar to him.

"Do you have any frozen vodka back there? I hate ice."

"I'd rather avoid it if I can."

"I do, It's the premium." the little Omega with light brown eyes said meekly.

It was almost as if he expected me to be angry that the vodka I'd asked for was premium.

"That sounds mighty fine to me."

I watched the bartender make my drink, Not because I was worried he wouldn't do it right.

I'd been coming to that bar for years but I wanted to do some thing other than eye-fuck the gorgeous Omega who was now seated down the bar from me.

While I wanted another look at him, I decided it was better not to scare him until I at least had him in my bed.

He'd come in with a group of friends, two other Omegas and a Beta girl.

They were all seated at the end of the bar where it wrapped around, It appeared that they were sober and probably had walked from somewhere nearby.

Their cheeks were all flushed from the cold and I could see droplets of melted snow glistening in the Omega's honey blond locks when they came in.

The Omega was closest to me, and even from several yards away, I could smell him.

It almost made me chuckle because it was so close to the Christmas season and he smelled exactly like freshly baked gingerbread cookies.

THE LAST THING I WANTED ||JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now