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Two Months Later

Things went really well with Jungkook as soon as he moved in Well, it went well for me.

Up to that point, I was still spending a lot of time at work but I did like having my mate there when I came home from work.

Even if I didn't get home from work until after he'd gone to bed.

Having someone to curl up with in bed was a huge gift to me.

Jungkook wanted to go back to school to get a degree in psychology, so he got up early in the morning with me.

He knew he'd only be able to finish one semester before having the baby but it was important to him to get started.

He would get up and make breakfast and coffee for me while I showered and got ready for work.

After that, he'd send me off to the office and start his day.

That day, when I came out from my shower, I noticed right away that the scent of food cooking and coffee was absent.

Jungkook had gotten up though, so I knew something was wrong.

"Jungkookie?" I called out.

He came out of the guest bathroom looking as white as a sheet.

"I'm bleeding." he said in a shaky voice.

The rest of that morning was a blur, I didn't bother to call a car.

I had my personal vehicle in the basement parking garage so I took Jungkook immediately to the emergency room.

It was my job to take charge and keep Jungkook safe but I was crumbling on the inside.

Thankfully because I was good friends with someone on the hospital's board, I was able to pull strings and get Jungkook seen right away.

What was even better was that he was fine.

The pregnancy was considered high risk from that point on because of the bleeding but he and the baby were fine.

"We were just about to start telling people I was pregnant."he said to the doctor.

"It's three months in and that's when it's traditionally considered safe to make the announcement"

"I was so scared."

"I think you're going to be fine."

the doctor said reassuringly. "But I don't want you lifting anything over ten pounds."

"No strenuous activity or exercise of any kind and no penetrative sex until after the five-month ultrasound."

"I'm sorry." Jungkook said when he looked at me.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." I said and squeezed his hand.

"You're giving me so much."

"I will keep you and my baby safe."


THE LAST THING I WANTED ||JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now