3 (M)

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Jungkook's friends looked a little wary when he went to tell them that he was leaving with me.

I didn't walk over to talk to them.

I didn't want to meet them because I had no intention of seeing him again after that night.

The things he made me feel were too dangerous but I would indulge in them for one night.

We'd both get off and then I'd send him on his way.

Even though I didn't talk to them I bought Jungkook's friends another round of drinks while he said his goodbyes.

And then we were out on the street in the cold and I was hailing a taxi, I was thankful that there were some around and I didn't have to wait for an Uber.

I gave the cab driver my address as I held the door for Jungkook.

Once he was in, I walked around to the other side and slid in next to him, Not too close.

I didn't want to end up taking him the cab.

Those thoughts continued to play through my head, though.

We were quiet for most of the ride.

I reached over once and pushed a lock of his hair back from his forehead.

His hair was irresistible.

"Where do you live?" Jungkook asked.

"Not far, Another block."

"If it was warmer outside, we could have walked."

"You live downtown?" Jungkook asked.

"That's why I drink at that bar." I said.

"It's between my office and home."

We pulled up in front of my building and Jungkook's jaw dropped a little. "Here?"

"Yes, This is home sweet home."

I paid the cab driver and came around to get Jungkook's door.

The doorman opened the front door for us and it was evident that Jungkook had never been in a building like mine.

"This place must cost a fortune," he said as we got on the elevator. "You could probably have two mansions on the coast for the price of this place."

"Yes you could." I said.

"But a mansion or two on the coast isn't close to my office."

"My work is my life, Jungkook."

"I would think it would have to be to live like this unless you inherited a bunch of money." He replied.

"I didn't."

"I'm not billionaire or anything but I think I've done pretty well working my way up the ladder." I said and pushed the button for my floor.

I didn't have the penthouse but I was on an upper floor, The penthouse was my goal, though.

While I told Jungkook that I wasn't a billionaire, that goal was within my reach as well.

With the right business moves, I was looking at being a billionaire in less than five years.

I'd make it before I turned forty.

"Is it rude for me to ask how old you are?" Jungkook asked quietly.

"I don't want to be rude but this just seems like so much for some one who doesn't seem very old."

THE LAST THING I WANTED ||JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now