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"The doctor is ready for you." the nurse said.

My doctor ran an exclusive practice, so there weren't any other people in the waiting room.

Jimin got up first and helped me to my feet.

I wasn't big yet at all but he insisted on helping me, The further along I got, the more protective he grew.

Once we were in the room, a nurse came in and checked my vitals.

The doctor came in and did the physical exam and then left the room to get the technician who would perform the sonogram.

I still hadn't decided whether to find out the sex of the baby yet or not.

It was hard to imagine not finding out but being surprised when my little peanut was born sounded fun too.

"Are you ready?" The technician asked once everything was set up.

"Yes." I said. "I'm ready to know my baby is healthy."

"Are you cold?" she asked. "I want you to be comfortable."

"I'm not but I've heard the gel for the sonogram is cold." I said.

"Well we warm it up here, so you don't have to worry about that."

"Oh, that's great." I said.

"So if you're ready, we'll get started." she said and turned her attention to Jimin.

"What about you? Are you ready?"

"I know everything is fine but I'm looking forward to seeing the little guy and putting my Omega's mind at ease."

I was moved to tears when I saw my baby appear on the screen before us.

I knew that if they were going to find a problem like spina bifida, it would be during this sonogram.

I tried not to hold my breath while the technician scanned me.

Fortunately my doctor was right there the whole time, so I didn't have to wait for results.

He saw everything that I saw.

"The baby is good Jungkook." the doctor said.

"I don't see any issues at all."

I let out a huge sigh of relief and that's when the tears of joy broke free.

Everyone gave me a minute to just laugh and cry but then it was back to business.

"Okay, so it's time to decide." the doctor said. "Do you want to know the sex of your baby?"

It was the moment of truth.

I had to make a decision.

Part of me knew that I'd regret leaving without knowing.

I'd get home and end up on the phone with the doctor's office trying to get him to tell me without having to make another appointment.

Knowing that about myself, I made a decision.

I could always wait and find out at the birth when it was my second or third baby.

"I want to know." I said. "Tell me."

Jimin took my hand and squeezed it, He offered me a soft smile and a nod of his head.

There was a light in his eyes that made my heart flutter.

He wanted to know and I could tell he was happy that had been my decision.

"Well Jimin and Jungkook, it looks like your baby is a girl."

"Congratulations, gentlemen."

"You've got a healthy baby girl on the way, I hope you're ready."

"What are we going to do with a girl?" I asked.

I could feel the joy spreading through me but I didn't grow up with sisters.

Some Omegas had mothers but my parents were Alpha and Omega.

"We're going to have tea parties and play dress up." Jimin said with a laugh.

"Or we'll play with Legos and make mud pies."

"It all depends on what our little princess wants, Jungkookie."

"She can have the whole world, We can do this."


THE LAST THING I WANTED ||JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now