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"Which one do I choose?" I asked Lisa as we stood there in front of the wall pregnancy tests.

"I don't know."

"Get one of those fancy digital ones But, get a regular one too."

"I don't know, You should probably get like three." she said.


"Yeah because no matter what you're not going to believe the first one, You probably won't believe the second one either but maybe if all three say the same thing, you'll believe it."

"Good point." I said and got a two-pack of the digital, a two-pack of the early results test and a two-pack of the expensive one that you could scan the results into your phone.

"That's six tests." Lisa said with a laugh.

"Yeah, we're getting to the bottom of this today and when all of these tests say I'm not pregnant, you have to buy me a drink."

"Deal," she said.

Back at my apartment, Lisa made herself at home in my kitchen.

She started whipping us up something to eat while I went into the bathroom to take the tests.

I'd gotten a huge diet soda at the store and drank the whole thing on the way home.

I went into the bathroom and peed on all the tests.

Then, I lined them up on the bathroom counter and left the room.

"What did they say?" Lisa asked when I walked into the kitchen.

"I don't know."

"I left them in there."

"All of the instructions said to wait Five minutes."

"Well, you've got about two minutes left, then." Lisa said.

"I don't think I can go back in there." I said and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I cannot be that Omega."

"I just can't be the guy who got pregnant from a one-night stand."

"Honey, if you got pregnant, it was more than a one-night stand." Lisa said.

"If you weren't in heat and he brought you into it, he's your mate."

"He can't be my mate." I said and wiped a tear from my eye.

"He just can't."

"Why not? You said he was handsome and good in bed."

"You said the chemistry between you was off the charts."

"I don't understand." Lisa said.

"Because he is married to his company, He doesn't have time for anything else."

"I know he felt something for me but he was strong enough to show me the door."

"It doesn't matter if I'm his mate, he'll deny it."

"You don't know that." Lisa said.

"You have to at least try, you should give him a chance."

"I don't know why we're talking about this, Lisa."

"I'm not even pregnant."

"He's not my mate."

"This is not a thing."

"I think you're wrong." she said with a smile.

"And, I think it's been Five minutes."

"Will you go look?" I asked.

"This is a moment you're going to want to have for yourself." she said.

"Please Lisa, Just go look."

"I can't."

"All right." she said.

Lisa walked into the bathroom and I stayed in the hall.

She came back out and I did my best to read her expression.

It was totally blank.

Lisa had a professional level poker face.

"What?" I asked.

"You need to go look for yourself." she said.

"I refuse to take this moment from you, You'll thank me someday. I promise."

I felt fear grip my stomach. "Lisa." I practically squeaked.

"Please go." she said and put a comforting had on my arm.

"You'll be okay, I promise."

"Okay," I said and took a deep breath.

I already knew what it was going to say.

If the tests had been negative, she would have just slapped me a high five and we would have headed out to drink beer and eat mozzarella sticks but she was right.

No matter how afraid I was in that moment, there would come a time when I would be happy I looked at the tests myself.

My heart pounded as I walked into the bathroom.

The tests were lined up in a row on the side of the sink just where I'd left them.

I'd hoped that I'd be able to see the results from the doorway but I couldn't.

Whatever the results, I had to walk all the way into the room and face them.

Two more steps and I was standing there over the counter with my answer.

I was pregnant with Jimin's baby.

I was going to be a daddy.

Suddenly everything changed.

My life was no longer about me and that meant I had to give him a chance to do the right thing.

Even if I thought I knew he wanted his job more than he'd ever want love and a family,I had to at least give him a chance.

That was what was best for my baby.

He or she would need their father.

Jimin had to be my mate, so I would go to him.

I just had to figure out how to find him.


THE LAST THING I WANTED ||JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now