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I didn't know that I'd ever misread a situation with a man as badly as I had with Jimin.

He was a stranger but I could have sworn I felt something more there.

I was completely wrong.

The way he kicked me out the next morning was a shock.

I tried to be friendly about it but it had stung.

He was right, though.

Our evening had started out with me giving him head in a bathroom.

I had no right to expect anything beyond exactly what we had.

So I left things on a friendly note and tried to go on with my life.

What else could I do?

I couldn't fall apart over some guy I'd fucked once.

It was early, so I went home, showered and went to work.

That's what I did every day.

I moved on with my life and tried not to think about Jimin.

Fast forward to three weeks later.

I was at my cubicle at work minding my own business and typing when my least favorite co-worker approached my desk.

Jennie was a bitch and she thought she was a supervisor.

She frequently came to my desk to ask me questions about shit that was none of her business.

Mostly it was about my progress on my reports but she wasn't my supervisor.

For the most part, I'd been able to deal with it without getting snippy with her.

I'd seen someone lose their temper on her before and Jennie reported the guy to human resources.

He didn't get fired or anything but it was a huge hassle and of course, they didn't do anything about Jennie.

I saw her walking down the aisle toward my cubicle and I knew she was coming to bug me about my report.

It was nine in the morning and I had all day to finish it, I hated it when she was a pest first thing.

My sigh was a lot louder than I intended.

Her cheeks turned bright red and she picked up the pace.

She was in a mood for sure and I'd set her off.

"I'm sorry, was that sigh for me?" she snarked at me as she stood behind my chair.

"Good morning, Jennie." I said in the calmest tone I could imagine.

"What did you need?"

"I'm sorry." she said again.

"Does having accountability bother you Jungkook?"

I felt my skin grow hot and prickly under my shirt collar.

Then, I said something I swore I'd never say.

I promised myself that I wouldn't get in a debate with her crazy ass about her position in the company.

There was no point in arguing with someone who was delusional But I felt rage and I couldn't hold it back.

"Accountable to whom Jennie? You? You're not my supervisor."

"In fact, I think my position is actually higher then yours So no, Accountability doesn't bother me but you do, Please leave me alone and let me do my job."

THE LAST THING I WANTED ||JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now