11 (M)

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Two Months Later

"Shouldn't we be saving this for after the appointment?" I said breathlessly.

"We could get the go-ahead for real sex."

"This is real sex baby." Jimin said before nipping at the sensitive spot on my neck.

He was on top of me with his cock pressed against mine.

I let out a loud moan when I felt his strong hand wrap around both of our shafts.

Jimin stroked both of our cocks while he thrust his hips back and forth.

It was so much sensation and I was even more sensitive than I'd been before.

I felt my balls draw up. "I'm going to cum." I whispered.

"Good." he said and that was all it took to push me over the edge.

When we were done, we took a long hot shower.

I couldn't help but sigh as he lovingly washed my back.

He called for a car to pick us up and I made a quick breakfast.

It wasn't anything fancy but that was okay with me.

I was so nervous about the appointment, I could hardly eat.

"What's on your mind?" Jimin asked. "You seem troubled."

"I'm just worried about the appointment."

"I know that I said I didn't want to know the sex of the baby but I feel like I'll be really upset if I leave without knowing."

"I'm also worried they're going to find something wrong."

"It's our first look at our baby but what if everything isn't okay?"

"Everything is going to be fine, Kookie." he said.

"We haven't had any more trouble since that one time."

"We've taken all of the precautions, You look really healthy."

"I always though that stuff about pregnant Omegas glowing was just something people made up but baby you are absolutely radiant, I've never seen a more beautiful Omega and it's all becos you're carrying our child."

"I love you so much."

"You love me?" I asked.

I mean, I knew he did.

He showed it in every way but that was the first time he said it out loud.

"Yes I love you with all of my heart, Why do you seem so shocked? I hope I haven't been too awful and I really am trying to cut back more at work."

"You're not awful and I love you too, It's just that's the first time you've said it."

"I've got a secret." Jimin said.

"It's actually not the first time I've said it."

"I've been saying it to you when you're asleep for two months but I didn't want to scare you off by saying it too soon."

"We're living together and I'm having your baby."

"I don't think you're going to scare me off." I said with a laugh.

"I didn't want to take any chances." he said.

"Now, about finding out if the baby is a boy or a girl, that's up to you."

"I think it would be cool to know today and I think it would be awesome to find out when the baby is born."


THE LAST THING I WANTED ||JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now