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Three and a Half Months Later

"Yes, I understand."

"I'll be there tomorrow." I said and hung up the phone.

I'd been trying to put off the trip to Japan until after the baby was born but my Japanese business contacts were growing restless.

I don't know why I thought going to Japan when Ari was a newborn was better but I was scared to death that Jungkook would go into labor while I was overseas.

There wasn't anything I could do to avoid it.

I either had to meet with them or they were going to drop the deal.

Something like that could put the whole company in jeopardy and I had to think about the jobs and livelihoods of my employees.

I just hoped that Jungkook would understand but I'd been asking him to do that a lot lately.

I'd cut back my hours drastically to spend more time with him at first but as the Japan deal grew closer, I'd been working more.

It had gotten to the point where I was almost back to working the same hours as when we met and on top of that, I had to tell him I was leaving the country when he could go into labor at any second.

It was not a position I wanted to be in but I would fly to Japan, finish my business there and then I would come right back.

I could probably be back in three or four days tops.

"bella, I'm leaving for the day."

"I'll be in Japan for the next few days and I need to go break the news to Jungkook." I said into the intercom.

"Good luck, boss."

"I'll clear your schedule."

"Thank you."

The ride home was tense.

It was probably because I knew I was doing the wrong thing but I refused to admit it to myself.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew that I should have put my foot down about the Japan meeting.

I should have put my mate and unborn child first.

When I got home, it was around dinner time.

Jungkook was getting ready to make a sandwich that he'd planned on eating alone.

I felt a stab of guilt in my chest.

I told myself that it was just a little bit longer and I wouldn't have to do this to him anymore.

But I knew that was a lie.

I was lying to myself because I wanted both.

I wanted my family and I wanted to achieve my business goals.

I didn't stop to think about how trying to do both would affect my loved ones.

"You're home early." Jungkook brightened and I felt another stab of guilt.

He'd been patient about me working more but I could sense that his patience with it was about to run out.

Jungkook was so excited that I'd come home in time for dinner but that was because he didn't know I was about to tell him I was leaving the country for a few days.

I decided I should take him out for dinner.

"Yeah and I'm taking you out on a date for a proper dinner." I said.

THE LAST THING I WANTED ||JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now