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The next morning I woke up because the sunrise was streaming in through the windows.

Jungkook was still snuggled up against me and for just a moment I forgot that I was never going to see him again.

I thought about waking him up and asking if he wanted to have an early breakfast before I went into the office.

And then I realized that would just be leading him on.

I felt this unusual pull to spend more time with him but that had to be ignored.

I didn't have any time to date and if I invited him over for sex more than once, there was the risk of feelings.

I should have called him a cab and sent him home when we were done but I'd fallen asleep.

I started to get out of bed and I felt Jungkook stir, He rolled over and looked at me face.

His hair was perfectly mussed and he had the sweetest bunny smile on his face.

"Good morning." he said sleepily and I almost threw my arm around him.

Instead I did what I had to do and got out of bed.

"Good morning." I said.

"I've got to get ready for work."

"Do you want me to call you a cab?"

"Oh." He looked like I'd slapped him.

"I'm sorry, I know it's abrupt but I've to get into the office early."

"I'd offer you breakfast but I really don't have time."

"Thank you for a wonderful evening, though."

I watched as Jungkook got up and put his clothes on.

There was this feeling in my gut that I was fucking something up but it didn't matter what my feelings said.

The fact was that I didn't have the time to take things with him any further than they had already gone.

Our acquaintance had run its course no matter how much I wanted to pull him into my arms and kiss him.

It didn't matter that I wanted to tumble back into bed with him.

My company needed me.

I didn't take days off because too many people counted on me being at work every single day.

I couldn't risk the livelihoods of the thousands of people who worked for me for my personal desires.

"I'll walk you out." I said as soon as he was dressed.

The sooner I got him out of my apartment, the less likely I was to cave into the aching need I'd begun to feel for him.

I convinced myself it was work stress because I'd just met the Omega.

There was no way that I could already feel so strongly for him.

"Yeah I guess I should get going, I wouldn't want to make you late for work." he said dryly.

"I thought you understood."I said softly.

"I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, Jungkook."

"You are gorgeous and sweet but it was just one night."

"It started off as a blow job in the bathroom at a bar."

"I thought that made it obvious."

"You're right," he said with a forced smile.

"It was good to meet you."

Jungkook extended his hand out to me for a handshake.

I took it and that same tingle of electricity shot through me again.

I'd thought that after we had sex it would go away but the sensation was still there.

"Hey and if you and your friends are ever in that bar again, I'll buy you a beer." I said.

I could have kicked myself.

It sounded like an invitation.

My brain wanted to see him again even though I knew it was a bad idea.

It was like I couldn't help myself.

"Maybe." he said and left.


THE LAST THING I WANTED ||JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now