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"Sir your next appointment is here," bella my assistant said into the intercom.

"My next appointment?" I said confused.

"It's on your calendar sir, You have a two o'clock appointment with a Mr Jeon." she said.

"What company is he with?" I asked as I brought up the calendar on my computer.

"I don't see any notes about the meeting."

"I don't have anything either Oh wait, Here it is."

"He said it was a family matter."

"Hmm," I said and rubbed my jaw as I thought. "Perhaps it's something to do with my father's estate but I thought that had all been cleared up two years ago."

"I'm sorry, sir."

"I should have gotten more information." bella said.

"Please do try in the future, You know how much I hate going into meetings blind," I said and pinched the bridge of my nose.

I did hate going into meetings without information.

It gave the other person the advantage and that was a situation I worked hard to avoid.

"Should I send him in?" she asked.

"Give me about five minutes." I said.

"Oh and can you order the salmon salad from that place I like? I worked through lunch."

"Yes, sir."

I went into my bathroom to splash some water on my face.

In addition to forgetting to eat, I hadn't been sleeping enough.

I just kept telling myself that I'd take better care of myself as soon as the Japan deal was done.

The problem was that the merger with the company in Japan kept getting delayed and dragged out.

And it seemed like the longer the negotiations went on, the more stressful the whole deal got.

A few minutes later, the door opened and bella showed my appointment in.

I was looking at the computer screen and didn't see who she'd brought in until she got my attention.

"Thank you bella." I said and I was about to say more but then I saw who it was.

"Anything else, sir? Would you like water or coffee?"

"No, thank you."

I tried to maintain my composure but I was torn between being way too happy to see him and being pissed that he'd shown up at my work.

"Have a seat, Mr Jeon."

There must have been more of an edge to my voice than I intended because he looked like I'd stung him with my words.

He quickly sat down and bella showed herself out quietly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as soon as my assistant was gone.

"I needed to talk to you." he said and straightened his back.

Jungkook had been worried when he came in but now he seemed to have found some of that sass that I'd found so sexy about him when we met.

I tried to soften my tone a bit but I was annoyed that he'd tracked me down at work.

The last thing I needed was a clingy Omega stalking me.

"I'm at the bar most nights, You could have come there."

"I don't understand why you would show up at my work." I said.

THE LAST THING I WANTED ||JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now