Chapter 11

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Stede stood behind Jim, holding his breath. Jim silently pointed above them. Stede heard footsteps creaking. Jim held their hand up, counting each pair of boots they could.


Stede was forcing himself not to retreat back into his mind. It'd be so easy. He didn't want to do this. He wanted to, sort of. Maybe. He didn't know. He was scared. He was very, very scared. He was fucking terrified.

Jim held up two more fingers. Six total. After a pause, Stede heard more footsteps. These were slightly slower, almost uneven. Whoever it was had an awful limp.

"Izzy," Jim breathed.


Stede heard another pair of footsteps follow after the group. His heart raised into his throat ans began to pound. It beat so fast that he was worried it'd give them away. He knew those footsteps. He was more observant than he appeared. Ed always walked with a sort of sway.

He knew the footsteps of the man he loved. Step, step. And then a pause. And then more steps with the same, smooth rhythm. Stede began to doubt himself a little, because Ed didn't usually stumble so much when he walked. And they walked much heavier than Ed. Whoever this was had a bit too much to drink, Stede determined.

The others in the crew were scattered throughout the ship. Buttons was in the first scene. Stede heard the footsteps stop.

"What?" He heard Izzy say. "Go on. Keep moving!"

Stede knew Buttons had just disappeared down the stairs. Jim slowly began to inch forward. They held two hands up, frowning.

Two sets of footprints stopped just above them. Jim pointed upwards fiercely.

"It looks empty," Izzy said quietly.

"Have the crew take anything important."

Stede's heart clenched. He almost passed out. Ed. Ed sounded different. Gruffer. Meaner.

Stede felt too dizzy. Jim saw him go pale and quickly put a hand against his mouth. Jim stared at him darkly, shaking him a little to keep his attention.

Scene 2: Frenchie and Buttons both quietly draw the crew in two directions, hopefully splitting the crew in half. If Blackbeard and Izzy were standing above them, then that means there were six crew members to take care of.

Jim had already told them to keep Fang and Ivan alive. Stede was able to stand again. He looked over at Jim. Jim was counting down from five.

Scene 3: Buttons was to go downstairs, to the lowest part of the deck. Frenchie was to run past the stairs, drawing them down the hallway in which Stede and Jim hid.

Directly below them, Oluwande and the remaining crew members hid within the different supply rooms.

Jim looked over at Stede, drawing their dagger. Stede held his breath, reluctantly drawing his sword. The sound of footsteps rang out from ahead. Frenchie ran past them, his white flowing coat billowing out behind him.

Jim gave him a high five. Frenchie ducked behind a cannon. He turned to Jim and held up two fingers. He then gave them a thumbs up. He mimed a wild animal. Jim narrowed their eyes. Frenchie hooked his pointer fingers and put them near his mouth.


Fang and Ivan hesitantly walked right past where they hid, their weapons drawn. Jim gracefully stepped forward, wrapping an arm around Fang's neck and pressing the dagger against his throat. Frenchie grabbed Ivan.

Ivan struggled for a moment before recognizing Frenchie and Jim in the dim light. Jim held up one finger. Stede stood nearby awkwardly.

Jim glanced upwards, holding their breath for a moment. Listening. After deciding that they were safe to talk quietly, Jim said, "Help us."

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