Setting Foot

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All Saints Island was a deep green blotch amidst the vast Pacific Ocean. The sandy beaches trailed white at the southern edge of the island, and All Saints resort stood just next to it, a blocky giant of a building, beige in color.

Such a lovely place, Mrs. Delilah Bales thought.

"Mrs. Bales! Dick's still kicking at my seat!"

Or it would be if she didn't have to look after these fuckups.

"Richard," she sighed, dragging a hand down her face. "Please quit it."

"We're almost there, don't be such a bitch," Dick told Caroline, as he kicked once again. "And don't call me dick."

"Language," Delilah said absently.

"Fuck you, you little shit!" Caroline responded, and then the argument devolved into the two of them flinging insults at each other. A flight attendant got involved, and during the whole ordeal, Delilah closed her eyes in shame. She could feel the stares of other passengers piercing into her skull.

Caroline was the typical rich little shit who thought her every wish and desire had to be met immediately. And the worst thing was that she was right. Every time she went to class with make-up more expensive than Delilah's whole collection, and designer clothes that were very much more revealing than the dress code allowed. But what could the school do? Her parents were rich. Throughout the year she'd done nothing to improve her grades, despite Delilah giving her chance after chance to retake her exams. She asked for everything out of everyone, while in turn putting no effort herself. Delilah fantasized about that coming back to bite her in the ass, for her to get an actual job and realize she wasn't the queen of the world. But that wouldn't happen, because she was a rich little shit and would probably live off her parent's tits for the rest of her life after graduation.

Dick was the opposite. Though his name was Richard, everyone agreed that dick was more fitting. He probably thought he was funny, making shitty comments in every class, hiding his classmates' stuff for fun, and pulling on the bra straps of girls so it would slingshot and make them jump. Little fucking asshole, he dressed as well as he acted, always looking like he slept in a vomit-flooded dumpster. The worst thing about him was his laugh, it was like a hyena with its balls tied to a turbine. It grated her ears every time she heard it. And god did she hear it often. If it were up to her, Dick would've been expelled long ago, but always his mom came to defend him, beg, and the director always gave him another chance. They probably fucked, Delilah theorized, no other reason why he would decide to keep Dick in the school.

"Mrs. Bales! Do fucking something!" Caroline shouted loud enough to be heard down in the island.

Delilah rolled her eyes. If it were allowed, she would grab a stick and bash both their heads in. If she took Caroline's side, Dick's mom would come crying to the director. If she took Dick's side... she may as well just jump off this plane.

"Fucking brats," she muttered, rubbing her temples, as the attendant tried to calm everyone down. A second one came to see what everything was about.

Goddamnit. Couldn't they have kept it quiet until they landed, at the very least? The thought came to her and she remembered what was waiting for her an hour or so from now on. Guiding the whole class to their dorms, telling them what to do, and babysitting them for the whole trip. The two damn lovebirds of the class, Tina and Uriel, had switched seats around in the middle of the night so they could sit together. Fuck, she would have to do something about that. Three rows in front of her also sat Elise, the girl who had never gotten out of her goth phase, who thought swearing a lot and making herself a pain in the ass for everyone around her was 'cool' and 'hip'.

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