Rescue Plan

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"Huh," Patricia said, genuinely surprised. She looked at the wild bulge in her stomach with arched eyebrows and wide eyes. "Don't recall eating that."

The person inside her kept pushing and pushing, making sizable bulges in one corner of her gut. It was like a baby kicking inside the belly of her mother, only that the poor victim of Patricia's hunger could only reach this one side.

"Spit them out," Cassie barked, brandishing her shotgun. She hit the side of the giantess's belly, and the sheer fat of that thing rippled like water. "Spit them out now!"

"Ouch!" Patricia complained. "Sorry, miss! Sorry!"

"Don't say sorry!" Cassie shouted. She kept hitting that giant stomach, careful to avoid the person that was inside. "Spit them out!"

"I- ouch!" Patricia winced at the pain, her whole body wobbled as she tried to shield herself. Her arms were too short to do so, and trying to reach out so hard was clearly a great pain. It was a pathetic display, the consequences of the giantess's overindulgence finally falling on her. "Please stop!"

"What the fuuuuuuuck," Elise muttered, rubbing her temples.

Tina gave a laugh devoid of humor. Uriel shook his head.

And Lola... Lola was just stunned. She'd gone so long being friendly to Patricia, thinking there was hope for them, if the giantesses could go without eating people, and yet she'd eaten someone, and acted like it was nothing to worry about.

It made her feel like a fool for even trying to defend her. The disappointed stare from Elise drove that point home.

"Stop, please- UUURP!" Patricia's loud belch shook the entire room. Now that Lola had heard what her friend had eaten, the smell of cheese and spicy salami were easy to make out in the cloud of odor that she'd launched out of her mouth. To avoid another belch, Cassie stopped hitting her. "I can't spit them out! Tell her, Lola!"

The giantess looked at her like a crying girl looked at her mom when she got into an argument with her siblings. All her other classmates turned to look at her.

Darn it, she thought. The last thing she wanted now was attention. They all waited for an answer, she couldn't just bail out.

"What-" Lola cut herself off. She waved her arms around, indicating the expanse of her friend. "What am I supposed to say, Patricia? You ate someone!"

"I didn't do it intentionally, okay?" she declared, stomping a huge foot on the ground. The impact of it made them all jump, and every part of the giantess's body jiggled, drawing particular attention to her huge breasts. "I would never eat someone on purpose! I would've remembered if I did!It was an accident!"

"What the fuck kind of accident is that, Patty?" Elise asked. "How do you shove someone in your mouth, swallow, and don't feel them fighting you all the way through? How the fuck can you forget that, you cow!?"

"I don't know!" Patricia exclaimed. Not one comment about the 'cow' part. "It- it's like pica, kinda! You eat something sharp and don't notice it."

"Don't start comparing eating disorders to freaking cannibalism, Patricia," Tina said, dragging a hand down her face. "You are not the victim here, in case you didn't notice." She pointed to the person pushing from within her stomach. "That is."

"And you better fucking spit them out now," Cassie added, shotgun ready.

"I would if I could, miss!" Patricia yelled. "But I can't! Anything that goes inside my belly stays there, nothing gets out. You would need something like a rope to pull them out!" Cassie then barked another order, and the giantess gave another excuse. They kept going in circles like that, not ever reaching a conclusion, all the while Lola and her classmates stood to the periphery, unsure of what to do.

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