Fat Patty

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The sailor Thomas knew very well how to guide them through the forest. That should not have been a surprise, considering he worked here, but Uriel still felt a wave of relief at seeing him know every nook and cranny of this jungle so well.

They arrived at the All Saints Resort, the giant building in white felt so silent without the constant muttering and yelling of other tourists.

"Eerie," Tina said.

"For sure," Uriel agreed.

"Lola," Thomas the sailor said, "How many do we have to worry about?"

"Well," the girl said, looking at a piece of paper. "We have the Month Twins, who always hang out with Caroline. If she went to the crash site in a group, they had to have been included, it's very likely they touched."

"Month twins?" Cassie asked.

"April and May," Elise explained. "Terrible names, don't know why their parents would do that to their daughters."

"They are pretty mean," Tina added. "Basically Caroline's lapdogs. Wouldn't expect them to be any nicer than she was."

"Then there was Patricia."

"Patty went with Caroline?"

"Don't call her like that," Lola sounded offended at the way Elise had said that. "She's one of the less popular girls in class," she explained, for the benefit of the adults. "Caroline and her clique always bullies her."

"Why would she go with them, then?"

"Probably made her go," Elise said, absently. "Those whores probably wanted someone to push around.

"They were the ones who gave her that nickname, weren't they?" Uriel said.

"Beats me," Elise answered with a shrug, "But it wouldn't surprise me."

"Why do they call her Patty?" Cassie asked, almost dreading the answer.

"Well..." Lola said, "She's a little bit..."

"'Cause she's fat," Elise said nonchalantly.

"Seriously?" Cassie said. "That's horrible."

"As long as Bales isn't looking," Elise explained, "they can get away with anything. It's her words against theirs, and Caroline's parents are rich, so nobody will risk doing anything unless they catch her in the act."

"Seems you don't like this Caroline very much."

"Nope," Tina said.

"Not really."

"Fuck no."

"She's the worst," Uriel finished. "We are sort of on her side when she complains about Dick, but any other moment she's just an asshole to everyone around."

"Some people can be awful like that," Thomas the sailor said as they entered through the back door of the main building. They were led into a hallway that was dark and narrow, filled with dozens of doors that the adults just passed by. Such a strange thing, to explore this part of the resort. It was like finding out a secret, seeing something that he wasn't supposed to see.

"And when she transformed she got even worse," Elise said, her voice cutting through the silence. "Fuck that bitch."

"Being mean or not doesn't really matter after you transform," Tina said. "Just look at Mrs. Bales. She was great and she still ate dozens of people."

"Bales was a bitch too, just a lazy one. Otherwise, Dick and Caroline wouldn't get to do everything they wanted."

"Fuck you, Elise, she was great."

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