2 - Sailing The Seas

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"Perseus crept up behind her, using his shield so he wouldn't look her in the eyes!" The storyteller spoke on the stage of the tavern. "And with one swift chop with his trusty blade from Hermes, he took the head off of the evil Medusa!"

"Completing his task, Perseus headed home with the head of Medusa back to Seriphus, rescuing Andromeda on the way and getting his mother from the clutches of King Polydectes!" The storyteller grinned.

"And now, to this day, he lives in Seriphus with his mother and Andromeda. However, I've heard that he's looking to move places, likely because of his disagreements with Polydectes." The storyteller concluded.

Cheers and claps resounded through the taverns from the people eating at their tables. The storyteller bowed with a smile on his face, walking down from the stage. He waved to the people as he walked, before he suddenly bumped into someone.

He quickly looked at who he ran into, a thin but lean and defined teenager. He was about to tell off the teenager before he noticed the blindfold around the teenager's eyes.

"I apologize." The teenager calmly spoke. "I didn't quite realize where you were."

"It's alright." The storyteller sighed. "Was there something you wanted."

"Yes." The teenager replied. "Is the story real?"

"The story?" The storyteller questioned. "You mean the one about Perseus?"

"Yes." The teenager nodded.

"Have you never heard of the tale of Perseus?" The storyteller gasped.

"No." The teenager shook his head.

"Well, that's a surprise." The storyteller stated. "Perseus became a hero seven years ago when he slayed the monster Medusa. He's completed one of the greatest feats in a long time. There is no doubt he will be forever remembered in history."

"I see." The teenager replied. "Thank you for the information. I am a wandering traveler, so I am slowly learning new things with every place I visit."

"Glad I could help then." The storyteller nodded. "You stay safe out there. It's dangerous."

"I know." The teenager stated. He turned around, his stick tapping against the ground as he easily walked out of the tavern, leaving the storyteller back to his business.

Nikolas walked out of the tavern. He pulled up the hood of his cloak, covering his head as he continued to walk and tap his stick against his ground.

He paid close attention to the footsteps of the people around him. It was a hassle whenever someone attempted to steal the bow and quill across his back because they assumed he was defenseless.

But, it could be useful. He used this trick to strike unsuspecting robbers. Nikolas didn't actually need the stick. His sense of hearing was better than most people, and he could likely make his way around without it. The stick simply gave him a little more information and made him look weaker than he seemed.

It was a perfect set-up. It allowed him to get the few coins he currently had because of those stupid robbers. Well, as long as they had any, which most, unfortunately, didn't.

He listened to the footsteps around him. Two people in front of him, walking towards him, and another far back, walking the same direction as him.

"Excuse me?" He turned to the two people as they got close. "Which way is the port?"

"You're heading that way." A woman answered. "Follow the gravel road, and just keep going straight."

"Thank you." Nikolas nodded. He started to walk forwards once again, listening to the gravel crunch under his feet. The footsteps of the one person behind him sped up.

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